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  • PBXScript.WebRequest


    VBScript   → Lua   SwxWare v12.40


    This object can be used to perform any kind of web requests from within the call routing.


    Dim oWebRequest, respCode, oHeaders, oHeader, iIdx
    Set oWebRequest = PBXScript.WebRequest
    oWebRequest.HttpVerb = HttpVerbGet
    oWebRequest.URL      = "https://www.example.org"
    oWebRequest.AddHeader "Content-Type:application/text"
    respCode = oWebRequest.Execute
    PBXScript.OutputTrace "Execute result=" & respCode & " -> " & oWebRequest.ResponseBody
    PBXScript.Sleep 1000
    ' Dump response headers
    Set oHeaders = oWebRequest.ResponseHeaders
    iIdx = 0
    For Each oHeader In oHeaders
    	PBXScript.OutputTrace "---> header[" & iIdx & "] = " & oHeader
    	iIdx = iIdx + 1


    The PBXScript.WebRequest object provides the following properties and methods:




    This method takes one string parameter. It sets the given parameter as HTTP header, e.g.:


    oWebRequest.AddHeader "Content-Type:application/text"


    oWebRequest.AddHeader "Content-Type:application/json; charset=UTF-8"




    This method takes two string parameters. It sets the given parameters as query data (e.g. in an HTTP POST request). The given parameters will get properly escaped, so no own character escaping is needed. E.g.:


    oWebRequest.AddQueryPair("user", "Dörthe, Weiß")




    This property defines the HTTP request type. If omitted, the listed default value will be used. The following values are possible.

    • HttpVerbGet (Default)
    • HttpVerbPost
    • HttpVerbPut
    • HttpVerbDelete
    • HttpVerbPatch
    • HttpVerbHead




    This property defines the HTTP authentication at the given destination (URL). If omitted, the listed default value will be used. The following values are possible.

    • HttpAuthNone (Default)
    • HttpAuthBasic
    • HttpAuthDigest
    • HttpAuthBearer
    • HttpAuthAny



    AuthUser / AuthPass

    This properties take string values of the user name/id and password/token if an HttpAuth authentication is used that requires these values.


    oWebRequest.HttpAuth = HttpAuthBasic
    oWebRequest.AuthUser = "jdoe@example.com"
    oWebRequest.AuthPass = "pa$$w0rd"


    Both properties will be taken to form a properly escaped "authentication" header (AuthUser:AuthPass). From the above example:


    ~GET / HTTP/2
    ~Host: example.org
    ~authorization: Basic amRvZUBleGFtcGxlLmNvbTpwYSQkdzByZA==
    ~user-agent: IpPbxScrWeb
    ~accept: */*


    Hint: if a username/token:xxxxxxxxx authentication is required, you need to form it like this:


    oWebRequest.AuthUser = "jdoe@example.com/token"
    oWebRequest.AuthPass = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"




    The method takes one string parameter. It URL encodes the given string and returns it.


    Dim encodedURL
    encodedURL = oWebRequest.UrlEncode "Dörthe, Weiß sucht das Glück"


    The returned encoded string will look like this






    This property takes a boolean value. It activates (True, Default) or deactivates (False) the SSL/TLS certificate validation. It is not recommended to disable it.




    This property takes a string value. It defines the URL for the HTP request.


    oWebRequest.HttpVerb = HttpVerbGet
    oWebRequest.URL = "https://example.org"




    This property takes a string value. It can be used to provide request body like, e.g. JSON formatted request information:


    oWebRequest.RequestBody = _	
    	"{" & _
    	"  ""ticket"":" & _
    	"  {" & _
    	"    ""comment"":" & _
    	"    {" & _
    	"      ""body"": %COMMENT%," & _
    	"      ""author_id"": %AUTHORID%," & _
    	"      ""public"": " & %PUBLIC% & _
    	"    }" & _
    	"  }" & _




    This method performs the HTTP request being defined by all above listed properties and methods and returns the response code (as integer value).


    if oWebRequest.Execute = 200 then
    end if




    This property is a string value. It contains the response data of the request.


    if oWebRequest.Execute = 200 then
    	PBXScript.OutputTrace oWebRequest.ResponseBody
    end if




    This property is a string list value. It contains all returned response headers. The following code is an example to dump all headers:


    Dim oHeader, oHeaders
    Set oHeaders = oWebRequest.ResponseHeaders
    iIdx = 0
    For Each oHeader In oHeaders
    	PBXScript.OutputTrace "---> header[" & iIdx & "] = " & oHeader
    	iIdx = iIdx + 1




    This method resets all previously set data and can be used to prepare the PBXScript.WebRequest object for the next request.




    Beside the above given examples the Zendesk Integration project (from version 1.3.0 on) makes use of the PBXScript.WebRequest object and demonstrates the usage of JSON formatted request and response data from a cloud based REST API service.


    There is also a function LaunchHTTPRequestEx from the Function Collection available which demonstrates the usage of the PBXScript.WebRequest object.



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