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  • PBXUser.EnableParallelCall


    VBScript   → Lua


    This property sets the script users' parallel call feature or returns its current enable status.


    ' get the status of the script users parallel call feature
    Dim bParallel
    bParallel = PBXUser.EnableParallelCall
    ' enable the script users parallel call feature
    PBXUser.EnableParallelCall = True



    This property takes or returns a boolean value.


    When enabling the script users' parallel call feature, you should also configure the PBXUser.ParallelCallNumbers. (a semicolon separated list of all numbers that should ring in parallel to the current script users extension).


    PBXUser.EnableParallelCall = True
    PBXUser.ParallelCallNumbers = "+49231123456"



    This can also be configured manually either by the user in his SwyxIt! client or the admin in the SwyWare Administration.




    Tom Wellige


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