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  • Introduction


    Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10


    The GSE defines a number of usefull functions to make use of within your call routing scripts. At many places within the GSE block parameter dialogs you'll find a


    • image.png


    button right after a field to enter some value in.


    For example the properties dialog of the Connect To block:


    "Connect To" block properties



    This button has exactly two purposes:


    • telling you that you can put in any Lua code you like into the field before. Please note, that you have to place a "=" (equal) character in front of your code to tell the GSE that the following will be some Lua code that needs to be executed/evaluated.
    • providing a list of all build in GSE functions and defined variables within your script by clicking on it.



    Variables and System Functions



    By double clicking on a function or variable (or click on the "Use" button) the selected item will be copied into the configuration field. If this field was initially empty the GSE will automatically place the "=" (equal) character in front of it, otherwise the GSE assumes you have already done that and simply adds the selected item to the content of the configuration field.



    Please note, that the GSE also defines a number of hidden functions, so called Helper Functions, which are listed and documented in the menu on the left. They are separated into


    • Common Helper Functions
    • String Helper Functions


    and can be freely used within you own call routing code.



    Tom Wellige


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