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  • PBXScript


    19 pages in this category

    1. PBXScript.Licenses

      VBScript   This function returns a list of all installed licenses.   PBXScript.Licenses   This function returns a list with a Type and Count value per entry.   Please note, that this function can only be used for the offline license model, where license keys are getting added manually into the SwyxWare Adminstration. It can't be used for any online license model (SwyxFlex, Perpatual, SwyxWare DataCenter Edition - SDC, SwyxON).   The following code wr
    2. PBXScript.Now

      VBScript   → Lua   SwxWare v13.27   This function returns the script entities (user or user group) current date and time.   PBXScript.Now     This function returns a datetime value.   Unlike the VBScript build-in function Now, which returns the local date and time of the SwyxWare machine, this function returns the current time according to the time-zone the script entity (user or user group) is located in. Please note that for group call routing the
    3. PBXScript.Type

      VBScript   → Lua   SwxWare v13.27   Returns the type of entity a call routing script is running on.   ' check for a user call routing if PBXScript.Type = PBXScriptTypeUser then ... end if ' check for a group call routing if PBXScript.Type = PBXScriptTypeGroup then ... end if     This property returns an integer value.   The following constants are available to check for the different entities:   PBXScriptTypeUser PBXScriptTypeG
    4. PBXScript.WebRequest

      VBScript   → Lua   SwxWare v12.40   This object can be used to perform any kind of web requests from within the call routing.   Dim oWebRequest, respCode, oHeaders, oHeader, iIdx Set oWebRequest = PBXScript.WebRequest oWebRequest.HttpVerb = HttpVerbGet oWebRequest.URL = "https://www.example.org" oWebRequest.AddHeader "Content-Type:application/text" respCode = oWebRequest.Execute PBXScript.OutputTrace "Execute result=" & respCode & " -> " & oWebReques
    5. PBXScript.SystemLanguageID

      VBScript   → Lua   Returns the Locale ID (LCID) of the language the current Windows OS is installed in, meaning it tells you the language of the installed Windows.   ' is this a norwegian Windows ? if PBXScript.SystemLanguageID = 1044 Then ... End If     This property returns an integer value.   The following is a list of all LCIDs of the current/former language versions of the SwyxWare:   Language hex value decimal value short string
    6. PBXScript.Sleep

      VBScript   → Lua   This function stops the execution of the current script for the given number of milliseconds.   PBXScript.Sleep 1000     This function returns an integer value of  PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values.   The numeric parameter gives the number of milliseconds to "sleep".   This function is used to wait a certain amount of time without consuming CPU load. A common usage is e.g. in a call queue to chec
    7. PBXScript.SendEMail

      VBScript   → Lua   This function sends an email from a configurable email address.   PBXScript.SendEMail bstrSender, bstrReplyTo, strRecipients, bstrCC, bstrBCC, bstrSubject, bstrBody,bstrAttachmentFile, bstrAttachmentMimeType, bIsVoicemail     This function returns an integer value of  PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values.   Beside this function, there is also a PBXCall.SendEMail function, with much less parameters.  
    8. PBXScript.PreviousScripts

      VBScript   → Lua   This collection holds informations about all scripts that has been started for this call before the current script has been started. If a call is forwarded from a script with option "Proceed with destination's call routing", i.e. when PBXCall.ConnectToEx is called with bProceedWithDestinationScript set to true. Note that the standard redirection (immediate, delayed, busy) always set this flag.   The collection contains PreviousScript objects containing
    9. PBXScript.OutputTraceEx

      VBScript   → Lua   SwxWare v6.10   This function can be used to write trace outout into SwyxServer's trace file. Tracing can be used for debugging of realtime systems and is highly recommended to be used within own script code.   PBXScript.OutputTraceEx PBXTraceLevelInfo, "Hello World"   This function can be used at any time within a call routing script. The string being passed as parameter will be directly written into the SwyxServer trace file. The first paramet
    10. PBXScript.OutputTrace

      VBScript   → Lua   This function can be used to write trace out into the SwyxServer's trace file. Tracing can be used for debugging of realtime systems and is highly recommended to be used within own script code.   PBXScript.OutputTrace "Hello World"     This function returns an integer value of  PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values.   This function can be used at any time within a call routing script. The string being passed a
    11. PBXScript.CompareNumbers

      VBScript   → Lua   This function returns either True or False if a certain number is completely or partly given in another number respective list of numbers.   Dim sNumberList sNumberList = "49231477733*;34*" If PBXScript.CompareNumbers (sNumberList, "333") Then '... End If     This function returns a boolean value.   It is possible to use the wildcard * (asterisk) as placeholder for any following digit respective number of digits.   A ;
    12. PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusyEx

      VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare 2011   This function queries/returns the busy status for a single user or a group.   If PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusyEx ("100") Then ' do something End If     This function returns a boolean value.   With SwyxWare 20211 the Presence Manager within the server service was introduced, which hat all times has a full and correctl view of all states of all users.   Before that, the server didn't knew about users who
    13. PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusy

      VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare 2011   This function queries/returns the busy status for a single user or a group.   If PBXScript.IsUserOrGroupBusy ("100") Then ' do something End If     This function returns a boolean value.   With SwyxWare 20211 the Presence Manager within the server service was introduced, which hat all times has a full and correctl view of all states of all users.   Before that, the server didn't knew about users who lo
    14. PBXScript.InstallLanguageID

      VBScript   → Lua   Returns the Locale ID (LCID) of the language the SwyxWare is installed in, meaning it tells you the language of the installed SwyxWare.   ' is this a norwegian SwyxWare ? if PBXScript.InstallLanguageID = 1044 Then '... End If     This property returns an integer value.   The following is a list of all LCIDs of the current/former language versions of the SwyxWare:   Language hex value decimal value short string Danish
    15. PBXScript.GetAudioFileLength

      VBScript   → Lua   This function returns the length of a given .wav file in seconds.   PBXScript.GetAudioFileLength   This function returns a long value.   If 0 is returned, the file length is 0 or length could not be determined, e.g. because of an unsupported file format. SwyxWare requires .wav files in 16kHz, 16bit, mono format.   If no explicit path is given in the filename, SwyxServer searches this file in the database, in the following scope
    16. PBXScript.EndScript

      VBScript   → Lua   This function ends the current script immediately.   PBXScript.EndScript     This function returns S_OK if succesfull, otherwise E_FAIL.   Script is ended immediately. After this statement no further script statements are executed. The current call will be disconnected if it is not successfully connected to a destination before.    
    17. PBXScript.DataFolder

      VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare v6.00    
    18. PBXScript.CreateObject

      VBScript   This function creates an instance of the given COM object.   PBXScript.CreateObject ( sObjectName )     This functions returns an object.   This function is identical to the VBScript build-in function CreateObject.   Example:   ' create an ADODB.Connection object Dim oDB Set oDB = PBXScript.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")   Don't forget to release the object again, once it is not needed anymore.   Set oDB = N
    19. PBXScript.ConvertToCanonical

      VBScript   → Lua   This function converts a given extension into a full canonical number.   PBXScript.ConvertToCanonical ( sExtension )     This function returns a string value.   Example:   SwyxServer has the following configuration: Countrycode 49 Areacode 231 Subscribernumber 4777   When calling PBXScript.ConvertToCanonical with the parameter "180" it will return "+492314777180".    
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