31 pages in this category
VBScript → Lua This function returns True if the script user is currently logged in into his SwyxWare account. If PBXUser.IsLoggedIn Then ' do something End If This function returns a boolean value. Please note, that the SwyxServer caches the busy state of a user. So once you have called this function the first time in the script it will always return the same value if being called again. If you need to get current status of - 246 views
VBScript This function gets or set the standard voicemail welcome message file name. ' get the file name of the standard voicemail Dim sMessage sMessage = PBXUser.VoicemailWelcomeMessage ' set the file name of the standard voicemail PBXUser.VoicemailWelcomeMessage = "Voicemail.wav" This function takes or returns a string value. When setting a new standard voicemail message the .wav needs to be in the SwyxWare database either in the USER scope o - 235 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns the current script user's user id. The user id is a SwyxWare internal representation of a user. PBXUser.UserID This property returns an integer value. This property allows read access only. Every SwyxWare user has his own unique user id on a SwyxServer. SwyxWare internally uses the user id to identify a user. The user id is also used in the PBXScript.PreviousScripts collection to identify a us - 300 views
VBScript This function uploads a given file into the database, more precisely into the USER scope of the current script user. Dim nResult Dim sFilePath, nFileCategory, sFileName, sDescription, bOverWrite, bCompress sFilePath = "C:\Announcements\" nFileCategory = PBXFileFileCategoryAnnouncements sFileName = "MyAnnouncement.wav" sDescription = "my regular announcement" bOverWrite = True bCompress = False nResult = PBXUser.UploadFile( _ sFilePath, _ nFil - 379 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the state of the user's (for whom the current script is running) undconditional redirection number setting, meaning the target of the redirection- If PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirectNumber = "100" Then '... End If ' configure redirection target PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirectNumber = "200" This property takes or returns a string value. Please note, that you need to enable the redirection using th - 522 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the state of the user's (for whom the current script is running) undconditional redirection setting. If PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirect Then '... End If ' enable redirection PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirect = True ' disable redirection PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirect = False This property takes or returns a boolean value. Please note, that you need to set the number to which should be redirected u - 1,453 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the current script user's phone pin. PBXUser.Pin This property is a string value. This property must not contain any characters other then digits from 0-9. The maximum length of a Pin is limited to 16 digits. This property is used by the GSE build-in function PIN(). When following this link you will find some important hints regarding the name "pin". - 216 views
VBScript → Lua This property gets or sets the script users parallel call numbers. PBXUser.ParallelCallNumbers This property takes or returns a string value. When enabling the script users' parallel call feature with the PBXUser.EnableParallelCall property, the PBXUser.ParallelCallNumbers define a semicolon separated list of all numbers that should ring in parallel to the current script users extension. PBXUser.EnableParallelCall - 289 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns the current number of received new voicemails of the script user. PBXUser.NumberOfNewVoicemails This property is an integer value. This property allows read / write access. By incrementing this value you can enable the new voicemail indication of the current script user. By setting it to 0 you can disable it. ' switch voicemail indication on PBXUser.NumberOfNewVoicemails = PBXUser. - 232 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns the current date and time of the script user. PBXUser.Now This function returns a datetime value. Unlike the VBScript build-in function Now, which returns the local date and time of the SwyxWare machine, this function returns the current time according to the time-zone the script user is located in. The time-zone is configured within the Location settings, and every user is linked to a Locat - 273 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns the name of the current script user. PBXUser.Name This property returns a string value. This property allows read access only. Beside the user name there is also the PBXUser.UserID used to identify a certain user. If you need to resolve the name or the user id of any SwyxWare user (not only the current script user) you can use the PBXConfig.GetUserByAddress function. - 528 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns true if the current script user has an appointment in his Outlook/Exchange calendar stating him to be "out of office". PBXUser.IsOutOfOffice This function returns a boolean value. Please refer to the SwyxWare Administrator manual (chapter 5.3.3, Installation for Calendar-Based Call Management) for information on how to setup calendar based call routing correctly. Beside the "out of office" f - 268 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns true if the current script user has an appointment in his Outlook/Exchange calendar stating him to be "busy". PBXUser.IsOutlookBusy This function returns a boolean value. Please refer to the SwyxWare Administrator manual (chapter 5.3.3, Installation for Calendar-Based Call Management) for information on how to setup calendar based call routing correctly. Beside the "busy" flag of an appointm - 299 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare 2011 This property takes or returns the current away status of the script user. ' Getting the script users current away state Dim bAway bAway = PBXUser.Away ' Setting the script users away state PBXUser.Away = True This property takes or returns a boolean value. This property is identical to the GSE build-in property IpPbx.Away. - 367 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns True if the script user is currently busy. If PBXUser.IsBusy Then ' do something End If This function returns a boolean value. Please note, that the SwyxServer caches the busy state of a user. So once you have called this function the first time in the script it will always return the same value if being called again. If you need to get current status of any user within the SwyxWare, you c - 246 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare 2011 This property takes or returns the current status text of the script user. ' Getting the script users status text Dim sStatus sStatus = PBXUser.FreeStatusText ' Setting the script users status text PBXUser.FreeStatusText = "I am out for lunch" This property takes or returns a string value. It is identical to the GSE build-in property IpPbx.UserFreeStatusText. The status text of a user is getting - 242 views
VBScript → Lua This property sets the script users' parallel call feature or returns its current enable status. ' get the status of the script users parallel call feature Dim bParallel bParallel = PBXUser.EnableParallelCall ' enable the script users parallel call feature PBXUser.EnableParallelCall = True This property takes or returns a boolean value. When enabling the script users' parallel call feature, you should also configure the PBX - 238 views
VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare 2015 With SwyxWare 2015 a new generation of Swyx Mobile Apps have been introduced. These new generation apps are SIP clients which login as additional devices to a user and ring in parallel mode. The old mobile integration (up until SwyxWare 2013) worked differently. Current Swyx Mobile Apps in the store do not use the old mobile integration, which makes this property obsolete. - 196 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare 2011 This property takes or returns the current do not disturb status of the script user. ' Getting the script users current do not disturb state Dim bDoNotDisturb bDoNotDisturb = PBXUser.DoNotDisturb ' Setting the script users do not disturb state PBXUser.DoNotDisturb = True This property takes or returns a boolean value. This property is identical to the GSE build-in property IpPbx.DoNotDisturb. - 248 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the timeout of the user's (for whom the current script is running) delayed redirection. If PBXUser.DelayedRedirectTimeout = 30 Then '... End If ' configure delayed redirection timeout PBXUser.DelayedRedirectTimeout = 30 This property takes or returns an integer value. Please note, that you need to enable the delayed redirection using the PBXUser.DelayedRedirect function. Additiona - 217 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the state of the user's (for whom the current script is running) delayed redirection number setting, meaning the target of the redirection If PBXUser.DelayedRedirectNumber = "100" Then '... End If ' configure delayed redirection target PBXUser.DelayedRedirectNumber = "200" This function takes or returns a string value. Please note, that you need to enable the delayed redirection using the PB - 274 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the state of the user's (for whom the current script is running) delayed redirection setting. If PBXUser.DelayedRedirect Then '... End If ' enable delayed redirection PBXUser.DelayedRedirect = True ' disable delayed redirection PBXUser.DelayedRedirect = False This property takes or returns a boolean value. Please note, that you need to set the number to which should be redirected using the - 252 views
VBScript Is obsolete since SwyxWare v6.00 - 231 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the state of the user's (for whom the current script is running) on busy redirection number setting, meaning the target of the redirection. If PBXUser.BusyRedirectNumber = "100" Then '... End If ' configure on busy redirection target PBXUser.BusyRedirectNumber = "200" This property takes or returns a string value. Please note, that you need to enable the on busy redirection using the PBXUser - 232 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns or sets the state of the script users' (for whom the current script is running) own busy redirection setting. If PBXUser.BusyRedirect Then '... End If ' enable on busy redirection PBXUser.BusyRedirect = True ' disable on busy redirection PBXUser.BusyRedirect = False This property takes or returns a boolean value. Please note, that you need to set the number to which should be redirected using the P - 255 views