33 pages in this category
VBScript → Lua Returns True if the originator of the current call has disconnected it. If PBXCall.IsOriginatorDisconnected Then ' do something End If This property returns a boolean value. An example would be to put a call on hold with PBXCall.Hold and then to wait for an avaible agent within a loop. Don't miss to use the PBXScript.Sleep function when looping while waiting for something to prevent 100% cpu load. While being in such a loop - 314 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare v13.27 Returns the SwyxWare internal id of the calling entity. Dim nID nID = PBXCall.CallingEntityId The property returns a long value. If the calling entity is an internal user the id is the SwyxWare internal user id. If the calling entity is a trunk the id is the SwyxWare internal trunk id. You can use PBXCall.CallingEntityType to figure if the calling entity is a client or trunk. - 185 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare v13.27 Returns the type of the calling entity. Dim nType nType = PBXCall.CallingEntityType This property return an integer value. The following constants are available to check for the different entity types: PBXEntityTypeClient (internal call from another user) PBXEntityTypeTrunk (external call via a trunk) You can use PBXCall.CallingEntityId to receive the SwyxWare internal user - 177 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns if the current call is disconnected or a given timeout is reached. PBXCall.WaitForDisconnect ([iTimeout]) This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. Parameter iTimeout Optional. Default: 0 Time in seconds to wait for the call to disconnect. A zero timeout waits infinitely, i.e. until the call is disconnected. I - 303 views
VBScript → Lua This function skips the "Alert" phase of the current script call, i.e. the caller will not get an alerting sound. PBXCall.SkipAlerting This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. Please keep the timeouts of the pstn / provider in mind when dealing with this messag directly. Beside skiping the alerting you can also sent a call proceeding message using the - 348 views
VBScript → Lua This function sends an email via the globally configured email address. PBXCall.SendEMail bstrAddress, bstrSubject, bstrBody, bAttachRecording This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. The "from" field of the email with be populated with the globally configured email address. The globally configured mail server will be used to sent this email via SMTP. - 334 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare 2011 This function returns the secondory calling party number, i.e. the network provided number. PBXCall.SecondaryCallingPartyNumber This function returns a string value. The functions PBXCall.CalledPartyNumber and PBXCall.CalledPartyNumberCanonical provide the so called user provided number. This number can either be suppressed or manipulated (via "clip no screening") by the caller. The network provi - 280 views
VBScript → Lua This function records a message as a temporary .wav file on the server. PBXCall.RecordMessage ( nTimeout ) This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success or PBXTimeout (2) on reaching the given timeout. See list of defined return values. Parameter nTimeout Maximum number of seconds until recording will be stopped. Valid values are 3 to 600. After the recording a - 274 views
VBScript → Lua This functions returns all dialed digits *after* the script user was identified by his number/extension. PBXCall.PostDialingDigits This function returns a string value. There is another function available PBXCall.CalledPartyNumber which returns just the *first* digits to correctly identify the script user. If you need to know *all* dialed digits you can use the property PBXCall.DialedNumber. Example: - 416 views
VBScript This object can be used to manipulate the phone call list entry which is written for the current call into the user's phone call list. This object defines the following properties and functions: Name Number State CallbackState Delete PBXCall.PhoneCallListEntry.Name = "Erika Mustermann" The Name property takes or returns the name to be set in the phone call list entry as string value. - 762 views
VBScript → Lua This function plays a given wav file. PBXCall.PlayMessage (bstrSoundfile, [nSkipFirstSeconds], [bRepeatAfterHoldOrTransfer], [FileOwner]) This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. Parameters: bstrSoundfile Name of soundfile. PBXCall.PlayMessage "Welcome.wav" If no explicit path is given in the filename, SwyxServe - 482 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns the length of the last recorded message in seconds. PBXCall.LastRecordedMessageLength The property takes or returns a long value. When using either the PBXCall.RecordMessage function of the Record Message block a wav file is getting recorded. This function returns the length of this recording in seconds. - 320 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns the name (incl. path) of the last recorded message (by the Record Message block). PBXCall.LastRecordedMessage This function returns a string value. When making use of the Record Message functionality the SwyxServer defines the unique name of the WAV file to take the recording. After a recording this name can be requested from the server i.e. by this property. The Record Message block also provides a var - 288 views
VBScript → Lua This functions activates a call previously being put on hold. Activating in fact means stop playing the music on hold. PBXCall.Activate This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. To put a call on hold you can use the PBXCall.Hold function. All GSE Play Sound blocks as also all "Connect" blocks like Connect To, Follow Me and Loop will automatically activ - 493 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns True if the current call is currently on hold. If PBXCall.IsOnHold Then PBXCall.Activate End If This function returns a boolean value. You can use the PBXCall.Hold function to put a call on hold, and the PBXCall.Activate function to activate a call again. - 274 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns True if the current call has an SwyxWare internal initiator. If PBXCall.IsInternal Then ' do something End If This function returns a boolean value. - 483 views
VBScript → Lua This function sets the current call on hold, meaning it starts playing the given music on hold file (wav) and returns. PBXCall.Hold "musiconhold.wav" This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. In opposite to the GSE block Play Message which plays a wav file completely before returning, the hold function/block returns immediately. The one parameter of th - 375 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare 2011 This property returns true, if a fax tone was detected in the current call. PBXCall.FaxToneDetected This function returns an boolean value. If a fax tone has beend detected the call can then be connected to an extension a fax machine or SwyxFax is connected to. - 314 views
VBScript → Lua This functions disconnects the current call. PBXCall.Disconnect ([cause]) This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. This function can be called before the call is connected to a user (by using e.g. the Connect To block in the GSE) or even after the call was connected. Parameter cause Optional. Default: PBXCallTermNormalCallCl - 289 views
VBScript → Lua This function returns the dialed number that has leaded the call to reach the current script. It returns *all* digit, not just the first digits to correctly identify the script user but also the so called post dialing digits. PBXCall.DialedNumber This function returns a string value. There is another function available PBXCall.CalledPartyNumber which returns just the first digits to correctly identify the script user. - 436 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns the intenal extension of the user a call was connected to right after a Connect To GSE block. PBXCall.ConnectedNumber This function returns a string value. If you connect a call to a group and need to know which user of this group has taken the call, this property can be requested right after leaving the Connected exit of the Connect To block. There is another function PBXCall.ConnectedName - 464 views
VBScript → Lua This property returns the name of the user a call was connected to right after a Connect To GSE block. PBXCall.ConnectedName This function returns a string value. It returns an empty string once the call is disconnected. If you connect a call to a group and need to know which user of this group has taken the call, this property can be requested right after leaving the Connected exit of the Connect To block. - 697 views
VBScript Returns or sets the mode to handle calling party number and redirecting number on outgoing calls from a script, i.e. the script connects the call to an external destination. PBXCall.CLIMode = 0 The property takes or returns an integer value. The most common usage of this property is to set it within the PreProcessing rule which will be called for every incoming call to make sure to display the correct number. The SwyxECR m - 447 views
VBScript → Lua SwxWare 2011 Returns the charges of the current call. PBXCall.Charges This function returns a double value. The returned number (e.g. 1,73) does not contain any currency information. - 261 views
VBScript → Lua This function sents a "Call Proceeding" message to the originator of the current call. PBXCall.CallProceeding This function returns an integer value of PBXSuccess (0) on success. See list of defined return values. If the current call is already in state Proceeding, Alerting or Connected the function call will be ignored. Common usage of this function is to signal call proceeding to the pstn, to state the fact th - 340 views