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  • Open Admin By Mathew

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    Please refer for all discussions (forum) for this project to the forum.   Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this project to the SwyxPEDIA.   Find the license information here!   If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic.    
  • Simple Skin By MarkRussell

    Based on the 2011 SwyxIt, small skin without speeddials. Ideal when customer wants something really basic.
  • Persistent Variables By Tom Wellige

    • 0 reviews
    • 1,097
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    Please refer to the Project Page for all details regarding the Persistent Variables.     Please refer to the Forums to discuss the Persistent Variables or for support reuqests.     Please refer for documentation (setup, usage, etc.) for this extension to the Project Page.  Find the license information on the Project Page.    If you want to get involved into this project please refer to this topic.     As with all other Swyx Forum Open Source Projects, S

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