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Random thoughts from the field. Possibley the best tag line Swyx used was "The Last Telephone system you'll need". Here's what happens in the real world and how to make this true...... perhaps

Entries in this blog

Call Parking / Open Hold

A common feature request I have had over the years is a Call Park feature, and the usual stock reply to Can Swyx Do..... is NO! but...... of course this is software and anything is possible. I have seen a number of ways of implementing a call park feature some really clever ones that use the conference bridge facility in Swyx to some not so clever ones using analog adaptors to have live logged on extensions which are used to pick up from... sudu call park.   Before I saw the conference room


MarkRussell in General

You want ME! to record the announcements ?

When it comes to setting up a script for a customer, when and how do the recordings get made ?   Personally I have no problem using my voice, I was a DJ for 20 years and been in telecoms for nearly 40 years the first 15 years being a service engineer for telephone answering machines. So I have got used to listening to myself.   But .... judging by the response I get from engineers on my training courses, when I get them to write a script which includes a recording.  9 times o



VIsual Groups (All Ring)

I recently had a request to have all phones ring in visual groups rather than a single phone. Well I have a work around to do this. While it’s not overly complicated it does require just a little work. I should point out here of course that this is not best practice as having all phones ring in a call queue/acd/contact centre, call it what you will, is not a good idea. This goes against eveything that improves efficency, but as usual there are some end users that will not listen to reason so :-



Partner Confernce Live(ish) Blog

For those unable to attend I will be at the partner conference in Essen and the one in Cannes this week and will try and pass on any information I can via this blog. So see you tomorrow 🙂



Buzz Words

Don't you hate buzz words ? If you don't you should. Many years ago in one of my all time favourite quotes Larry Ellison said " "The computer industry is the only industry that is more fashion-driven than women’s fashion." in reference to Cloud Computing. He wasn't trying to say Cloud didnt exsist or wasn't important as many of his critics have gone on to say, he was trying to say its a Buzz word that actually adds no value to the description of what we do.   So to the world of telecom



SwyxIt - the best softphone in the world

When demonstrating to a new customer I always state the fact that SwyxIt is the best softphone in the world, then go on to demonstrate This is one way to actually make competetive products look incredibly inferior. For example the following are all working Swyx Skins.   But we should not simply replicate another manufacturers look and design, we should make something that delivers something that solves a "point of pain" for the customer. In other words a solution.   If you ca



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