VBScript → Lua
This property returns the name (incl. path) of the last recorded message (by the Record Message block).
This function returns a string value.
When making use of the Record Message functionality the SwyxServer defines the unique name of the WAV file to take the recording. After a recording this name can be requested from the server i.e. by this property. The Record Message block also provides a variable the name will be written in.
If you need to know how many seconds were recorded in that WAV file you can use the PBXCall.LastRecordedMessageLength function.
The file is named Rec_yyyyMMddhhmmss.wav where yyyMMddhhmmss is the time and date of the recording.
The file name remains valid until the script is finished. After that the file will be deleted by the server.
Hint: the PBXCall.SendEmail function deletes the last recording as well. So handle the file if needed beforehand.
The following example copies the last recorded message to a given file server and renames it. Copy the first code snippet into the Start block of your script. The second code snippet can be used afterwards in a Script Code block.
function Get2Digits ( s ) if Len(s) > 1 then Get2Digits = s else Get2Digits = "0" & s end if end function
Dim sRecording, sTarget sTarget = "\\fileserver\recordings\%callid%_%date%_%time%.wav" sTarget = Replace(sTarget, "%callid%", PBXCall.CallID) sTarget = Replace(sTarget, "%date%", Year(Now) & Get2Digits(Month(Now)) & Get2Digits(Day(Now))) sTarget = Replace(sTarget, "%time%", Get2Digits(Hour(Now)) & Get2Digits(Minute(Now)) & Get2Digits(Second(Now))) sRecording = PBXCall.LastRecordedMessage if sRecording <> "" then Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") fso.CopyFile sRecording, sTarget Set fso = Nothing end if
An even better solution would be to create a VBScript function from the second code snippet, place it also into the Start block and then call this function e.g. with an Evaluate block from with your GSE script. By doing so, you could add some proper error handling and tracing into your code.
By Tom Wellige