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    3 pages in this category

    1. Introduction

      VBScript   → Lua   The following interfaces are private COM interfaces, i.e. they are only available witihn an call routing script. They dont' need to get instantiated.   PBXCall This interface covers properties and methods being related to the current call.   PBXUser This interface covers properties and methods being related to the user the current script is running for. If the current script runs in a group context (i.e. this is a call routing of a
    2. User or Group context

      VBScript   → Lua   SwxWare v13.27   A call routing script can run on a user or a group context.   Differ context   If the script is running in a user context the PBXUser interface is available while the PBXGroup interface is not. If it is running on a group context the PBXGroup interface is available while the PBXUser interface is not.    If your script is used in both contexts (user and group) and needs to make use of PBXUser/PBXGroup functionality,
    3. Server Script API Return Values

      VBScript   → Lua   The following names or values can be used directly within the call routing script, e.g.   Dim nRetVal nRetVal = PBXCall.Hold ("*hold*") If (nRetVal = PBXSuccess) Then ... End If   Additionally it is possible to receive the return value / cause from the latest connect to attempt by using the GSE build in function LastCause().   Result Name Value Remark PBXSuccess 0 PBXFailure
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