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  • Predefined Constants

    Predefined Constants

    Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10


    Many of the Server Script API functions make use of predefined constants for parameters and/or return values.




    -- Script result values
    PBXSuccess                           =  0
    PBXFailure                           =  1
    PBXTimeout                           =  2
    PBXCallTermNormalCallClearing        =  3
    PBXCallTermDestinationBusy           =  4
    PBXCallTermReject                    =  5
    PBXCallTermCancelled                 =  6
    PBXCallTermTransferred               =  7
    PBXCallTermJoinedConference          =  8
    PBXCallTermNoAnswer                  =  9
    PBXCallTermToLate                    = 10
    PBXCallTermDirectCallImpossible      = 11
    PBXCallTermWrongNumber               = 12
    PBXCallTermConnectToCallerImpossible = 13
    PBXCallTermDestinationUnreachable    = 14
    PBXInvalidDTMFDigitReceived          = 15
    PBXCallTermRedirectionNotPossible    = 16
    PBXCallTermIgnoreCall                = 17
    PBXCallTermNoChannelAvailable        = 18
    PBXCallTermNetworkCongestion         = 19
    PBXCallTermIncompatibleDestination   = 20
    PBXCallTermNumberChanged             = 21
    PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected    = 22
    PBXDestinationScriptStarted          = 23
    PBXCallTermDeflected                 = 24
    PBXCallTermPermissionDenied          = 25
    PBXCallTermSubstituteNumberDenied    = 26
    PBXCallTermSecurityNegotiationFailed = 27





    -- Trace level values
    PBXScript.TraceError = 2
    PBXScript.TraceWarn  = 3
    PBXScript.TraceInfo  = 4
    PBXScript.TraceInfo2 = 5
    PBXScript.TraceInfo3 = 6





    -- Script busy result values
    PBXBusyResultFree        = 0
    PBXBusyResultBusy        = 1
    PBXBusyResultNotLoggedIn = 2





    -- Possible remote inquiry PIN check result values
    PBXCheckPinResultOk                 = 0
    PBXCheckPinResultFailure            = 1
    PBXCheckPinResultMaxAttemptsReached = 2





    -- User object states
    PBXUserStateUnavailable      = 0
    PBXUserStateLoggedOff        = 1
    PBXUserStateLoggedOn         = 2
    PBXUserStateSpeakingExternal = 3
    PBXUserStateAlerting         = 4
    PBXUserStateSpeakingInternal = 5
    PBXUserStateAway             = 6
    PBXUserStateDoNotDisturb     = 7
    PBXUserStateActive3rdParty   = 8





    -- Phone call list state values
    PBXPhoneCallStateCallAccepted               = 0
    PBXPhoneCallStateCallNotAccepted            = 1
    PBXPhoneCallStateCallDiverted               = 2
    PBXPhoneCallStateCallDivertedToVoiceMessage = 5





    -- Entity type values
    PBXEntityTypeClient  = 0
    PBXEntityTypeTrunk   = 1
    PBXEntityTypeUnknown = 2





    -- Device type constants (denoted as bitfield!)
    PBXDeviceTypeSoftClient =   1
    PBXDeviceTypeSIPPhone   =   2
    PBXDeviceTypeSIPClient  =   4
    PBXDeviceTypeMobile     =   8
    PBXDeviceTypeConference =  64
    PBXDeviceTypeSIPGateway = 256
    PBXDeviceTypeSIPLink    = 512
    PBXDeviceTypeAll        = 0xffffffff





    -- File category constants (subset of CDS file categories!)
    PBXFileFileCategoryRingTones          =  0
    PBXFileFileCategoryCallRoutingScripts =  1
    PBXFileFileCategoryBitmaps            =  2
    PBXFileFileCategoryAnnouncements      =  3
    PBXFileFileCategoryHoldMusic          =  4
    PBXFileFileCategorySkins              =  8
    PBXFileFileCategoryFaxAttachments     = 10
    PBXFileFileCategoryVoiceAttachments   = 15





    -- PBX HTTP request verbs
    PBXHttpVerbPost   = 0
    PBXHttpVerbGet    = 1
    PBXHttpVerbPut    = 2
    PBXHttpVerbDelete = 3
    PBXHttpVerbPatch  = 4
    PBXHttpVerbHead   = 5





    -- PBX HTTP authentication methods
    PBXHttpAuthNone   = 0
    PBXHttpAuthBasic  = 1
    PBXHttpAuthDigest = 2
    PBXHttpAuthBearer = 3
    PBXHttpAuthAny    = 4





    -- Script key value result
    PBXScriptKeyValueOk                   = 0
    PBXScriptKeyValueUpdateOk             = 1
    PBXScriptKeyValueUserNotFound         = 2
    PBXScriptKeyValueKeyNotFound          = 3
    PBXScriptKeyValueKeyInvalid           = 4
    PBXScriptKeyValueValueInvalid         = 5
    PBXScriptKeyValueDictKeyAlreadyExists = 6
    PBXScriptKeyValueMaxDictSizeExceeded  = 7
    PBXScriptKeyValueDictKeyInvalid       = 8
    PBXScriptKeyValueDictKeyNotFound      = 9





    -- Script key scopes
    PBXScriptKeyUserScope   = 0
    PBXScriptKeyGlobalScope = 1





    -- Federal States of Germany (BundesLänder)
    GSE_BL_BW = 0x00001    -- Baden-Württemberg
    GSE_BL_BY = 0x00002    -- Bayern
    GSE_BL_BE = 0x00004    -- Berlin
    GSE_BL_BB = 0x00008    -- Brandenburg
    GSE_BL_HB = 0x00010    -- Bremen
    GSE_BL_HH = 0x00020    -- Hamburg
    GSE_BL_HE = 0x00040    -- Hessen
    GSE_BL_MV = 0x00080    -- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
    GSE_BL_NI = 0x00100    -- Niedersachsen
    GSE_BL_NW = 0x00200    -- Nordrhein-Westfalen
    GSE_BL_RP = 0x00400    -- Rheinland-Pfalz
    GSE_BL_SL = 0x00800    -- Saarland
    GSE_BL_SN = 0x01000    -- Sachsen
    GSE_BL_ST = 0x02000    -- Sachsen-Anhalt
    GSE_BL_SH = 0x04000    -- Schleswig-Holstein
    GSE_BL_TH = 0x08000    -- Thüringen
    GSE_BL_KD = 0x10200    -- Köln/Düsseldorf (Rosenmontag, GSE_BL_NW is included)



    Tom Wellige


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