Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10
Many of the Server Script API functions make use of predefined constants for parameters and/or return values.
-- Script result values PBXSuccess = 0 PBXFailure = 1 PBXTimeout = 2 PBXCallTermNormalCallClearing = 3 PBXCallTermDestinationBusy = 4 PBXCallTermReject = 5 PBXCallTermCancelled = 6 PBXCallTermTransferred = 7 PBXCallTermJoinedConference = 8 PBXCallTermNoAnswer = 9 PBXCallTermToLate = 10 PBXCallTermDirectCallImpossible = 11 PBXCallTermWrongNumber = 12 PBXCallTermConnectToCallerImpossible = 13 PBXCallTermDestinationUnreachable = 14 PBXInvalidDTMFDigitReceived = 15 PBXCallTermRedirectionNotPossible = 16 PBXCallTermIgnoreCall = 17 PBXCallTermNoChannelAvailable = 18 PBXCallTermNetworkCongestion = 19 PBXCallTermIncompatibleDestination = 20 PBXCallTermNumberChanged = 21 PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected = 22 PBXDestinationScriptStarted = 23 PBXCallTermDeflected = 24 PBXCallTermPermissionDenied = 25 PBXCallTermSubstituteNumberDenied = 26 PBXCallTermSecurityNegotiationFailed = 27
-- Trace level values PBXScript.TraceError = 2 PBXScript.TraceWarn = 3 PBXScript.TraceInfo = 4 PBXScript.TraceInfo2 = 5 PBXScript.TraceInfo3 = 6
-- Script busy result values PBXBusyResultFree = 0 PBXBusyResultBusy = 1 PBXBusyResultNotLoggedIn = 2
-- Possible remote inquiry PIN check result values PBXCheckPinResultOk = 0 PBXCheckPinResultFailure = 1 PBXCheckPinResultMaxAttemptsReached = 2
-- User object states PBXUserStateUnavailable = 0 PBXUserStateLoggedOff = 1 PBXUserStateLoggedOn = 2 PBXUserStateSpeakingExternal = 3 PBXUserStateAlerting = 4 PBXUserStateSpeakingInternal = 5 PBXUserStateAway = 6 PBXUserStateDoNotDisturb = 7 PBXUserStateActive3rdParty = 8
-- Phone call list state values PBXPhoneCallStateCallAccepted = 0 PBXPhoneCallStateCallNotAccepted = 1 PBXPhoneCallStateCallDiverted = 2 PBXPhoneCallStateCallDivertedToVoiceMessage = 5
-- Entity type values PBXEntityTypeClient = 0 PBXEntityTypeTrunk = 1 PBXEntityTypeUnknown = 2
-- Device type constants (denoted as bitfield!) PBXDeviceTypeSoftClient = 1 PBXDeviceTypeSIPPhone = 2 PBXDeviceTypeSIPClient = 4 PBXDeviceTypeMobile = 8 PBXDeviceTypeConference = 64 PBXDeviceTypeSIPGateway = 256 PBXDeviceTypeSIPLink = 512 PBXDeviceTypeAll = 0xffffffff
-- File category constants (subset of CDS file categories!) PBXFileFileCategoryRingTones = 0 PBXFileFileCategoryCallRoutingScripts = 1 PBXFileFileCategoryBitmaps = 2 PBXFileFileCategoryAnnouncements = 3 PBXFileFileCategoryHoldMusic = 4 PBXFileFileCategorySkins = 8 PBXFileFileCategoryFaxAttachments = 10 PBXFileFileCategoryVoiceAttachments = 15
-- PBX HTTP request verbs PBXHttpVerbPost = 0 PBXHttpVerbGet = 1 PBXHttpVerbPut = 2 PBXHttpVerbDelete = 3 PBXHttpVerbPatch = 4 PBXHttpVerbHead = 5
-- PBX HTTP authentication methods PBXHttpAuthNone = 0 PBXHttpAuthBasic = 1 PBXHttpAuthDigest = 2 PBXHttpAuthBearer = 3 PBXHttpAuthAny = 4
-- Script key value result PBXScriptKeyValueOk = 0 PBXScriptKeyValueUpdateOk = 1 PBXScriptKeyValueUserNotFound = 2 PBXScriptKeyValueKeyNotFound = 3 PBXScriptKeyValueKeyInvalid = 4 PBXScriptKeyValueValueInvalid = 5 PBXScriptKeyValueDictKeyAlreadyExists = 6 PBXScriptKeyValueMaxDictSizeExceeded = 7 PBXScriptKeyValueDictKeyInvalid = 8 PBXScriptKeyValueDictKeyNotFound = 9
-- Script key scopes PBXScriptKeyUserScope = 0 PBXScriptKeyGlobalScope = 1
-- Federal States of Germany (BundesLänder) GSE_BL_BW = 0x00001 -- Baden-Württemberg GSE_BL_BY = 0x00002 -- Bayern GSE_BL_BE = 0x00004 -- Berlin GSE_BL_BB = 0x00008 -- Brandenburg GSE_BL_HB = 0x00010 -- Bremen GSE_BL_HH = 0x00020 -- Hamburg GSE_BL_HE = 0x00040 -- Hessen GSE_BL_MV = 0x00080 -- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern GSE_BL_NI = 0x00100 -- Niedersachsen GSE_BL_NW = 0x00200 -- Nordrhein-Westfalen GSE_BL_RP = 0x00400 -- Rheinland-Pfalz GSE_BL_SL = 0x00800 -- Saarland GSE_BL_SN = 0x01000 -- Sachsen GSE_BL_ST = 0x02000 -- Sachsen-Anhalt GSE_BL_SH = 0x04000 -- Schleswig-Holstein GSE_BL_TH = 0x08000 -- Thüringen GSE_BL_KD = 0x10200 -- Köln/Düsseldorf (Rosenmontag, GSE_BL_NW is included)
By Tom Wellige