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  • PBXUser.IsOutlookBusy()


    Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.20


    This function returns true if the current script user has an appointment in his Outlook/Exchange calendar stating him to be "busy".


    if (PBXUser.IsOutlookBusy() == true) then
      -- do something



    This function returns a boolean value.


    Please refer to the SwyxWare Administrator manual (chapter 5.3.3, Installation for Calendar-Based Call Management) for information on how to setup calendar based call routing correctly.


    Beside the "busy" flag of an appointment you can also check for the "out of office" flag by using the PBXUser.IsOutOfOffice() function.


    This function is identical to the GSE build-in function IsOutlookBusy().



    Tom Wellige


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