Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10
Returns the Locale ID (LCID) of the language the current Windows OS is installed in, meaning it tells you the language of the installed Windows.
-- is this a french Windows ? if (PBXScript.SystemLanguageID() == 1036) then -- do something end
This property returns a number value.
The following is a list of all LCIDs of the current/former language versions of the SwyxWare:
Language hex value decimal value short string
---------- --------- ------------- ------------
Danish 0x0406 1030 dk
Dutch 0x0813 1043 nl
English UK 0x0809 2057 en-GB
French 0x040C 1036 fr
German 0x0407 1031 de
Italian 0x0410 1040 it
Norwegian 0x0414 1044 no
Spanish 0x0C0A 3082 es
Using the PBXScript.InstallLanguageId() function you can additionally request the LCID of the installed Windows OS.
A complete list of all existing LCIDs can be found within the MSDN.
By Tom Wellige