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  • PBXCall

    38 pages in this category

    1. PBXCall.OriginalCallingPartyName()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the original unmodified calling party name.   local sName = PBXCall.OriginalCallingPartyName()   This function returns a string value.   By using the function PBXCall.CallingPartyName() it is possible to modify the calling party name before a call is connected to a destination. The modified name will then be displayed in the destinations display.    The PBXCall.OriginalCallingPartyName() function will a
    2. PBXCall.CallingEntityId()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.27   Returns the SwyxWare internal id of the calling entity.   local nID = PBXCall.CallingEntityId()     The property returns a number value.   If the calling entity is an internal user the id is the SwyxWare internal user id. If the calling entity is a trunk the id is the SwyxWare internal trunk id.    You can use PBXCall.CallingEntityType() to figure if the calling entity is a client or trunk.    
    3. PBXCall.CallingEntityType()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.27   Returns the type of the calling entity.   local nType = PBXCall.CallingEntityType()     This function returns a number value.   The following constants are available to check for the different entity types:   PBXEntityTypeClient (internal call from another user) PBXEntityTypeTrunk (external call via a trunk)   You can use PBXCall.CallingEntityId() to receive the SwyxWare internal user or
    4. PBXCall.RecordMessage()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function records a message as a temporary .wav file on the server.   local nReturn = PBXCall.RecordMessage(nTimeout)   This function returns a PBXResult value of PBXSuccess or PBXTimeout.     Parameter   nTimeout   Maximum number of seconds until recording will be stopped. Valid values are 3 to 600.     After the recording as finished the recorded file can be accessed via P
    5. PBXCall.WaitForDisconnect()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns if the current call is disconnected or a given timeout is reached.   local nReturn = PBXCall.WaitForDisconnect(nTimeout)     This function returns a PBXResult value of PBXSuccess, PBXFailure, PBXTimeout, PBXCallTermNormalCallClearing or PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected.   Parameter   nTimeout   Optional. Default: 0 Time in seconds to wait for the call to disconne
    6. PBXCall.TransferrerNumber()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the number of the user that transferred the call into current call routing script.   local sNumber = PBXCall.TransferrerNumber()     This function returns a string value.   If the call is a direct call and not a transferred call the function returns an empty string.   If you are interested in the name of the user who transferred the call you can use the PBXCall.TransferrerName() function.  
    7. PBXCall.TransferrerName()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the name of the user that transferred the call into current call routing script.   local sName = PBXCall.TransferrerName()     This function returns a string value.   If the call is a direct call and not a transferred call the function returns an empty string.   If you are interested in the number of the user who transferred the call you can use the PBXCall.TransferrerNumber() function.  
    8. PBXCall.SkipAlerting()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function skips the "Alert" phase of the current script call, i.e. the caller will not get an alerting sound.   local nReturn = PBXCall.SkipAlerting()     This function returns a PBXResult value of PBXSuccess, PBXFailure or PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected.   Please keep the timeouts of the pstn / provider in mind when dealing with this messag directly.   Beside skiping the alerting you can also se
    9. PBXCall.SendEMail()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function sends an email via the globally configured email address.   local nReturn = PBXCall.SendEMail(sTOAddress, sSubject, sBody, bAttachRecording)     This function returns a PBXResult value of PBXSuccess or PBXFailure.   The "from" field of the email with be populated with the globally configured email address. The globally configured mail server will be used to sent this email via SMTP.   You
    10. PBXCall.SecondaryCallingPartyNumber()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the secondory calling party number, i.e. the network provided number.   local sNumber = PBXCall.SecondaryCallingPartyNumber()     This function returns a string value.   The functions PBXCall.CalledPartyNumber() and PBXCall.CalledPartyNumberCanonical() provide the so called user provided number. This number can either be suppressed or manipulated (via "clip no screening") by the caller.
    11. PBXCall.PostDialingDigits()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This functions returns all dialed digits *after* the script user was identified by his number/extension.   local sDigits = PBXCall.PostDialingDigits()   This function returns a string value.   There is another function available PBXCall.CalledPartyNumber() which returns just the *first* digits to correctly identify the script user.   If you need to know *all* dialed digits you can use the property PBXCall.Di
    12. PBXCall.PlayMessage()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function plays a given wav file.   local nReturn = PBXCall.PlayMessage(sAnnouncement, nSkipFirstSeconds, bRepeatAfterHoldOrTransfer, nFileOwnerId, sFileOwnerName)     This function returns a PBXResult value of PBXSuccess, PBXFailure, PBXCallTermNormalCallClearing or PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected.     Parameters:   sAnnouncement   Name of soundfile.   local nReturn = PBXCa
    13. PBXCall.OriginalCallingPartyNumber()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the original unmodified calling party number.   local sNumber = PBXCall.OriginalCallingPartyNumber()   This function returns a string value.   By using the function PBXCall.CallingPartyNumber() it is possible to modify the calling party number before a call is connected to a destination. The modified number will then be displayed in the destinations display.    The PBXCall.OriginalCallingPartyNumber() f
    14. PBXCall.CalledPartyNumber()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the dialed number that has lead the call to reach the current script. It returns just the first digits to correctly identify the script user but *not* any so called post dialing digits.   local sNumber = PBXCall.CalledPartyNumber()     This function returns a string value.   This function is identical to the GSE build in function CalledNumber().   This function returns the internal
    15. PBXCall.LastRecordedMessageLength()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the length of the last recorded message in seconds.   local nLength = PBXCall.LastRecordedMessageLength()     The property takes or returns a number value.   When using either the PBXCall.RecordMessage() function of the Record Message block a wav file is getting recorded. This function returns the length of this recording in seconds.     
    16. PBXCall.LastRecordedMessage()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the name (incl. path) of the last recorded message (by the Record Message block).   local sFileName = PBXCall.LastRecordedMessage()     This function returns a string value.   When making use of the Record Message functionality the SwyxServer defines the unique name of the WAV file to take the recording. After a recording this name can be requested from the server i.e. by this property. The
    17. PBXCall.IsOriginatorDisconnected()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns true if the originator of the current call has disconnected it.   if PBXCall.IsOriginatorDisconnected() then -- do something end     This function returns a boolean value.   An example would be to put a call on hold with PBXCall.Hold() and then to wait for an avaible agent within a loop. Don't miss to use the PBXScript.Sleep() function when looping while waiting for something to prevent 100%
    18. PBXCall.IsOnHold()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns true if the current call is currently on hold.   if PBXCall.IsOnHold() then PBXCall.Activate() end     This function returns a boolean value.   You can use the PBXCall.Hold() function to put a call on hold, and the PBXCall.Activate() function to activate a call again.    
    19. PBXCall.IsInternal()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns true if the current call has an SwyxWare internal initiator.   if PBXCall.IsInternal() then -- do something end     This function returns a boolean value.    
    20. PBXCall.IsFaxToneDetected()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns true, if a fax tone was detected in the current call.   local bFaxTone = PBXCall.FaxToneDetected()     This function returns an boolean value.   If a fax tone has beend detected the call can then be connected to an extension a fax machine or SwyxFax is connected to.    
    21. PBXCall.ConnectedNumber()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the intenal extension of the user a call was connected to right after a Connect To GSE block.   local sNumber = PBXCall.ConnectedNumber()     This function returns a string value.   It returns an empty string once the call was disconnected.   If you connect a call to a group and need to know which user of this group has taken the call, this property can be requested right after lea
    22. PBXCall.CallingDeviceType()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the name of the calling device type.   local sType = PBXCall.CallingDeviceType()     This function returns a string value.   This is a list of possible return strings:   String Type ------------- ------------------------------------------------------- COMClient SwyxIt! (<v6.1x) Conference Conferunce User MobileApp Swyx Mobile App DesktopApp Swyx macOS De
    23. PBXCall.CallingDeviceName()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the name of the calling device.   local sName = PBXCall.CallingDeviceName()     This function returns a string value.   If the call is "external", i.e. it comes via a gateway trunk, link trunk or sip trunk, this function returns the name of that trunk as configured in the SwyxWare Administration.   If you need to figure the calling device type as well you can use the function PBXCa
    24. PBXCall.CallId()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns the unique call id the server has reserved for the current call.   local nCallId = PBXCall.CallId()     This function returns a number value.   SwyxServer reserves a unique id for each call within the system. This id will also be stored in the Call Detail Records.   Do mot mistake this id with the caller number.   Do also not mistake this CallId by the unique call id you
    25. PBXCall.CalledPartyNumberCanonical()

      Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10   This function returns called number that has leaded the call to reach the current script. A script is connected to a user who has internal and external numbers. This functions returns the external number.   local sNumber = PBXCall.CalledPartyNumberCanonical()     This function returns a string value.   This function returns the external number of the script user that was called. If you are interested in the inter
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