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  • PBXCall.SkipAlerting()


    Lua   → VBScript   SwxWare v13.10


    This function skips the "Alert" phase of the current script call, i.e. the caller will not get an alerting sound.


    local nReturn = PBXCall.SkipAlerting()



    This function returns a PBXResult value of PBXSuccess, PBXFailure or PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected.


    Please keep the timeouts of the pstn / provider in mind when dealing with this messag directly.


    Beside skiping the alerting you can also sent a call proceeding message using the PBXCall.CallProceeding() function.


    You can also start the alerting phase for the current call by using the PBXCall.Alerting() function.



    Tom Wellige


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