Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10
This function sents a "Call Proceeding" message to the originator of the current call.
local nReturn = PBXCall.CallProceeding()
This function returns a PBXResult value of PBXSuccess, PBXFailure or PBXCallTermOriginatorDisconnected.
If the current call is already in state Proceeding, Alerting or Connected the function call will be ignored.
Common usage of this function is to signal call proceeding to the pstn, to state the fact that the script "is still working" on the delivery of the current call. While a call is in proceeding state, no tones will be played in the direction of the caller. The call is not connected and therefore consumes not costs.
Beside sending call proceeding you can also sent an alerting message using the PBXCall.Alerting() function.
By Tom Wellige