23 pages in this category
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function returns true if the script user is currently busy. if (PBXUser.IsBusy() == true) then -- do something end This function returns a boolean value. Please note, that the SwyxServer caches the busy state of a user. So once you have called this function the first time in the script it will always return the same value if being called again. If you need to get current status of any u - 222 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function returns the current script users' user id. The user id is a SwyxWare internal representation of a user. local nID = PBXUser.UserId() This function returns a number value. This function allows read access only. Every SwyxWare user has his own unique user id on a SwyxServer. SwyxWare internally uses the user id to identify a user. The user id is also used in the PBXScript.Prev - 289 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the state of the script users' (for whom the current script is running) own undconditional redirection number setting, meaning the target of the redirection. if (PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirectNumber() == "100") then -- do something end -- configure redirection target PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirectNumber("200") This function takes or returns a string value. Please note, that - 311 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the state of the users' (for whom the current script is running) own undconditional redirection setting. if (PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirect() == true) then -- do something end -- enable redirection PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirect(true) -- disable redirection PBXUser.UnconditionalRedirect(false) This function takes or returns a boolean value. Please note, that you need to set - 300 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 The function sets or gets the script users' login pin of his SwyxPhone of DCF desk phone (e.g. Yealink phone). -- get current pin local sPin = PBXUser.PhonePin() -- set new pin PBXUser.PhonePin("12345") This functions takes or returns a string value. A newly set pin must not contain any characters but just digits, and has a maximum length of 16 digits. - 221 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This functions gets or sets the script users parallel call numbers. -- get number local sNumber = PBXUser.ParallelCallNumbers() -- set number PBXUser.ParallelCallNumbers("+491234567890") This function takes or returns a string value. When enabling the script users' parallel call feature with the PBXUser.EnableParallelCall() function, the PBXUser.ParallelCallNumbers() define a semicolon separated list of - 287 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the current number of received new voicemails of the script user. -- get number of new voicemails local nNumber = PBXUser.NumberOfNewVoicemails() -- set number of new voicemails PBXUser.NumberOfNewVoicemails(5) This property takes or returns a number value. By incrementing this value you can enable the new voicemail indication of the current script user. By setting it to 0 y - 204 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function returns the current date and time of the script user. -- get date/time as string local sDateTime = PBXUser.Now() -- in "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M:%S" format -- get date/time as table local tDateTime = PBXUser.Now("*t") -- .sec : number -- .min : number -- .hour : number -- .day : number - 218 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function returns the name of the current script user. local sName = PBXUser.Name() This function returns a string value. Beside the user name there is also the PBXUser.UserId() used to identify a certain user. If you need to resolve the name or the user id of any SwyxWare user (not only the current script user) you can use the PBXScript.GetUserByAddress() function. - 288 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.20 This function returns true if the current script user has an appointment in his Outlook/Exchange calendar stating him to be "out of office". if (PBXUser.IsOutOfOffice() == true) then -- do something end This function returns a boolean value. Please refer to the SwyxWare Administrator manual (chapter 5.3.3, Installation for Calendar-Based Call Management) for information on how to setup calendar based ca - 240 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.20 This function returns true if the current script user has an appointment in his Outlook/Exchange calendar stating him to be "busy". if (PBXUser.IsOutlookBusy() == true) then -- do something end This function returns a boolean value. Please refer to the SwyxWare Administrator manual (chapter 5.3.3, Installation for Calendar-Based Call Management) for information on how to setup calendar based call routin - 228 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function returns true if the script user is currently logged in into his SwyxWare account. if (PBXUser.IsLoggedIn() == true) then -- do something end This function returns a boolean value. Please note, that the SwyxServer caches the busy state of a user. So once you have called this function the first time in the script it will always return the same value if being called again. If you - 224 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function takes or returns the current away status of the script user. -- get the script users current away state local bAway = PBXUser.Away() -- set the script users away state PBXUser.Away(true) This function takes or returns a boolean value. This function is identical to the GSE build-in function IpPbx.Away(). This function accesses the SwyxWare internal presence information. To access - 435 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the current status text of the script user. -- get the script users status text local sStatus = PBXUser.FreeStatusText() -- set the script users status text PBXUser.FreeStatusText("I am out for lunch") This function takes or returns a string value. It is identical to the GSE build-in function IpPbx.UserFreeStatusText(). The status text of a user is getting in the - 305 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets the script users' parallel call feature or returns its current enable status. -- get the status of the script users parallel call feature local bParallel = PBXUser.EnableParallelCall() -- enable the script users parallel call feature PBXUser.EnableParallelCall(true) This function takes or returns a boolean value. When enabling the script users' parallel call feature, you should also co - 238 views
Lua SwxWare v13.10 This function returns the current external do not disturb status of the script user. local bExternalDND = PBXUser.DoNotDisturbViaPresence() This function returns a boolean value. This function accesses supported external presence sources (e.g. MS Teams). To access the SwyxWare internal presesence information you can use the PBXUser.DoNotDisturb() function. To access the presence information of any SwyxWare use - 154 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the do not disturb status of the current script user. -- get the script users' current do not disturb state local bDoNotDisturb = PBXUser.DoNotDisturb() -- set the script users' do not disturb state PBXUser.DoNotDisturb(true) This function takes or returns a boolean value. This property is identical to the GSE build-in property IpPbx.DoNotDisturb(). This function - 318 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the timeout of the script users' (for whom the current script is running) own delayed redirection. if (PBXUser.DelayedRedirectTimeout() == 30) then -- do something end -- configure delayed redirection timeout PBXUser.DelayedRedirectTimeout(30) This property takes or returns a number value. Please note, that you need to enable the delayed redirection using the PBXUser.Delay - 307 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function set or returns the state of the script users' (for whom the current script is running) own delayed redirection number setting, meaning the target of the redirection if (PBXUser.DelayedRedirectNumber() == "100") then -- do something end -- configure delayed redirection target PBXUser.DelayedRedirectNumber("200") This function takes or returns a string value. Please note, that you need to e - 207 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the state of the script users' (for whom the current script is running) own delayed redirection setting. if (PBXUser.DelayedRedirect() == true) then -- do something end -- enable delayed redirection PBXUser.DelayedRedirect(true) -- disable delayed redirection PBXUser.DelayedRedirect(false) This function takes or returns a boolean value. Please note, that you need to set t - 273 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the state of the script user's (for whom the current script is running) own busy redirection number, meaning the target of the redirection. if (PBXUser.BusyRedirectNumber() == "100") then -- do something end -- configure on busy redirection target PBXUser.BusyRedirectNumber("200") This function takes or returns a string value. Please note, that you need to enable the on bu - 175 views
Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10 This function sets or returns the state of the script users' (for whom the current script is running) own busy redirection setting. if (PBXUser.BusyRedirect() == true) then -- do something end -- enable own busy redirection PBXUser.BusyRedirect(true) -- disable own busy redirection PBXUser.BusyRedirect(false) This function takes or returns a boolean value. Please note, that you need to set the number - 347 views
Lua SwxWare v13.10 This function returns the current external away status of the script user. local bExternalAway = PBXUser.AwayViaPresence() This function returns a boolean value. This function accesses supported external presence sources (e.g. MS Teams). To access the SwyxWare internal presesence information you can use the PBXUser.Away() function. To access the presence information of any SwyxWare user and not just the curren - 271 views