2 pages in this category
2.1 - Setup Zendesk GSE Actions
VBScript Lua The Zendesk Integration extension is designed as GSE actions. To install these GSE actions you need to use the SwyxWare Administration. Step 1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and open the properties of your Swyx Server. Step 2 Switch to the Files page and click on Edit.... Step 3 Click on Add... Step 4.1 - VBScript usage 1. Select all files from the VBSc - 503 views
2.2 - Setup Zendesk SwyxIt! button
VBScript Lua Setting up the Zendesk SwyxIt! button needs to be done in two steps: Step 1 Copy the file \Skin Integration\OpenZendesk.wsf into the SwyxIt! program folder, e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\SwyxIt!\ Open this file in a standard text editor (e.g. notepad.exe) and modify the following line: ' You need to modify this! Const ZENDESK_DOMAIN = "dummy.zendesk.com" This should point to your Zendesk domain URL. This i - 382 views