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  • LaunchHTTPRequest


    VBScript   → Lua


    This function calls (launches) a given URL (http request) and returns True if the request returns without error.

    Please see the Introduction chapter for some usage instructions.


    ' LaunchHTTPRequest
    ' Launches given URL.
    ' Parameter:
    '   sURL        complete url
    ' return value:
    '   boolean     True  - request file processed
    '               False - request file *not* processed
    Function LaunchHTTPRequest(ByVal sURL)
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "------> LaunchHTTPRequest ( sURL = '" & sURL & "' )"
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim bReturn
        bReturn = True
        Dim HTTP_REQ
        Set HTTP_REQ = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0")
        Dim lResolve, lConnect, lSend, lReceive
        lResolve =  1 * 60 * 1000	' 1 minute (default: infinte)
        lConnect =  1 * 60 * 1000	' 1 minute (default)
        lSend    = 60 * 60 * 1000	' 1 hour   (default: 30 seconds)
        lReceive = 60 * 60 * 1000	' 1 hour   (default: 30 seconds)
        HTTP_REQ.setTimeouts lResolve, lConnect, lSend, lReceive
        Dim vBefore, vAfter, nDuration
        vBefore = Now
        HTTP_REQ.open "GET", sURL, False
        If Err <> 0 Then
            PBXScript.OutputTrace "Error sending http request (" & Hex(Err) & ")"
            PBXScript.OutputTrace Err.Description
            vAfter = Now
            nDuration = DateDiff("s", vBefore, vAfter)
            PBXScript.OutputTrace "HTTP Request returned after " & nDuration & " seconds"
            bReturn = True
        End If
        Set HTTP_REQ = Nothing
        LaunchHTTPRequest = bReturn
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "bReturn = " & bReturn
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "<------ LaunchHTTPRequest"
    End Function


    This function makes use of the Server Script API function PBXScript.OutputTrace to write trace information into the SwyxServer trace file.


    Another version of this function which makes use of the PBXScript.WebRequest object (which was introduced with SwyxWare 12.40) to perform the web request can be found in the LaunchHTTPRequestEx function.


    This function was initially posted into this forum topic.


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