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  • CheckCallerInTextFile


    VBScript   → Lua


    This function checks if the current caller (i.e. his phone number) can be found in a given text file. It can be used to create black or white lists for incoming calls on a user.

    Please see the Introduction chapter for some usage instructions.


    ' FileOpen iomode Values
    Const fsoForReading           = 1     ' Open a file for reading only.
    Const fsoForWriting           = 2     ' Open a file for writing only.
    Const fsoForAppending         = 8     ' Open a file and write to the end of the file.
    Const fsoDontCreateIfNotExist = False
    Const fsoCreateIfNotExist     = True
    Const fsoTristateUseDefault   = -2    ' Opens the file by using the system default.
    Const fsoTristateTrue         = -1    ' Opens the file as Unicode.
    Const fsoTristateFalse        = 0     ' Opens the file as ASCII.
    ' CheckCallerInTextFile
    ' Returns true if the current callers phone number can be found in a given text file.
    ' The text file must be formatted with one number per line.
    ' Parameter:
    '   sFileName       text file (incl. path) that contains the numbers to check
    ' Return:
    '   boolean
    Function CheckCallerInTextFile ( sFileName )
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "-----------> CheckCallerInTextFile (" & sFileName & ")"
        Dim bReturn, sCaller, sLine
        bReturn = False
        On Error Resume Next
        sCaller = PBXCall.CallingPartyNumber
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "sCaller = " & sCaller
        Dim fso, file
        Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
        If fso.FileExists( sFileName ) Then
            Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(sFileName, fsoForReading, fsoDontCreateIfNotExist, fsoTristateFalse)
            If Err = 0 Then
                PBXScript.OutputTrace "File opened"
                Do While (Not file.AtEndOfStream) And (Not bReturn)
                    sLine = file.ReadLine
                    PBXScript.OutputTrace "sLine = " & sLine
                    ' does the number in the text file contain the given number?
                    If InStr(sLine, sCaller) > 0 Then 
                        bReturn = True
                        PBXScript.OutputTrace "Found!"
                    End If
                    ' does the number in the text file is identical to the given number?
                    'If sLine = sCaller Then 
                    '    bReturn = True
                    '    PBXScript.OutputTrace "Found!"
                    'End If
                PBXScript.OutputTrace "Error opening file!"
                PBXScript.OutputTrace Hex(Err) &  ": " & Err.Description
            End If
            Set file = Nothing 
            PBXScript.OutputTrace "File does not exist!"
        End If
        Set fso = Nothing
        CheckCallerInTextFile = bReturn
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "bReturn = " & bReturn
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "<----------- CheckCallerInTextFile"
    End Function


    This function makes use of the Server Script API functions PBXCall.CallingPartyNumber to get the callers number and PBXScript.OutputTrace to write trace information into the SwyxServer trace file.


    You need to make sure, that the file can be accessed from the call routing script. For this it is necessary, that the Windows users the Swyx Server service is running under (usually SwyxServiceAccount) has at least read privileges on the file.


    The function was originally posted into this forum topic.



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    "InStr(sLine, sCaller)" has to be changed to "InStr(sCaller, sLine)" if the blacklisted number should be a part of the caller number. I think this is the way it was meant to be.

    Tom Wellige


    My idea was that it is checked, if the caller number is part of the black listed number. For that logic the order of the both parameters is correct.


    If you reverse the logic (is black listed number part of caller number) you need to reverse the parameters of course.


    With the reversed order it is actually possible to search for "parts of numbers" in the black list. So it would be possible to easily exclude complete DDI ranges.


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