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  • LaunchCmdEx




    This function calls (launches) a given command, i.e. launches any given application. It offers to write the output of the command (StdOut and StdErr) into the server trace file for later analysis.

    Please see the Introduction chapter for some usage instructions.


    ' LaunchCmdEx
    ' Executes the given command and also offers to writes its output into the
    ' server trace.
    ' Parameter:
    '   sCommand            command to be called
    '   bTraceStdOut        trace StdOut of the called program to server trace
    '   bTraceStdErr        trace StdErr of the called program to server trace
    ' Return:
    '   boolean             true - command successfully executed
    Function LaunchCmdEx( sCommand, bTraceStdOut, bTraceStdErr )
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "------> LaunchCmdEx"
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "sCommand = " & sCommand
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "bTraceStdOut = " & CStr(bTraceStdOut)
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "bTraceStdErr = " & CStr(bTraceStdErr)
        On Error Resume Next
        Dim bReturn
        bReturn = True
        Dim objWsh, objWshScriptExec
        Set objWsh = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
        Set objWshScriptExec = objWsh.Exec(sCommand)
        if Err <> 0 then
            PBXScript.OutputTrace "Error executing command!"
            PBXScript.OutputTrace Err & ": " & Err.Description
            bReturn = False
            PBXScript.OutputTrace "Command successfully executed."
        end if
        if bTraceStdOut then
            Dim objStdOut, sStdOut
            Set objStdOut = objWshScriptExec.StdOut 
            sStdOut = Trim(objStdOut.ReadAll)
            PBXScript.OutputTrace "StdOut:"
            PBXScript.OutputTrace sStdOut
        end if
        Dim objStdErr, sStdErr
        Set objStdErr = objWshScriptExec.StdErr 
        sStdErr = Trim(objStdErr.ReadAll)
        if sStdErr <> "" then bReturn = False
        if bTraceStdErr then
            PBXScript.OutputTrace "StdErr:"
            PBXScript.OutputTrace sStdErr
        end if
        Set objWsh = Nothing    
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "bReturn = " & CStr(bReturn)
        PBXScript.OutputTrace "<----- LaunchCmdEx"
    End Function


    Please note that this command will be launched on the SwyxServer machine. No windows will be opened, and no user input can be made. So only start command line applications which do not require any user input.


    As the call routing is executed by the Swyx Server service, the command will also be executed by the Swyx Server service. That means, it is executed by the Windows user, the Swyx Server service is running under (usually this is the local SwyxServiceAccount user). 


    To call any standard command like "copy" or "move" you need to call the command line interpreter (cmd.exe) and then pass your command as parameter to it. The environment variable %comspec% provides to full path to cmd.exe. 

    This example copies all files from FolderA to Folder B.


    LaunchCmdEx "%comspec% /c copy C:\FolderA\*.* C:\FolderB", True, True


    Make sure that the SwyxServiceAccount (or the account you have configured to the Swyx Server service) has enough privileges to execute your command.



    This function makes use of the Server Script API function PBXScript.OutputTrace to write trace information into the SwyxServer trace file.


    This function was initially posted into this forum topic.



    Tom Wellige


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