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  • Setup

    4 pages in this category

    1. Persistent Variables - 2.1 - Setup Database

      VBScript   It is recommended to use the MS SQL Server being already installed on the SwyxWare machine and being used by the SwyxWare.   If you want to use another MS SQL Server on another machine please refer to 6.3 - Use SQL Server on different machine. If you want to use another database server like MySQL or Oracle please refer to 6.5 - Use different database.   The default name of the database to be created is IpPbxExtensions. If you want to use another database
    2. Persistent Variables - 2.2 - Setup Database Table

      VBScript   After having created and configured the IpPbxExtionsions database the table which is used by the PersistentVariable GSE action needs to be created into this database.   Step 1 Select Open  | Open File... from the File menu of SQL Server Management Studio and select the file CreateTable.sql from the sql folder of the download package.   Hit the Execute button in the toolbar.   Note: if you have chosen another than the default name for the d
    3. Persistent Variables - 2.3 - Setup GSE Action

      VBScript   The Persistent Variables extension is designed as GSE actions. To install these GSE actions you need to use the SwyxWare Administration.   Step 1 Open the SwyxWare Administration and open the properties of your Swyx Server.     Step 2 Switch to the Files page and click on Edit....       Step 3 Click on Add...       Step 4 1. Select all files from the ase folder from the download
    4. Persistent Variables - 2.4 - Setup an updated version

      VBScript   Updating from any version less than 1.3.0 to 1.4.0   Download the version 1.4.0 and follow the steps described in 2.3 - Setup GSE Action. You do not need to delete the previously installed two action files, as the new upload will overwrite them.   An udate of the database is needed as well. To do so follow the steps described in 2.2 - Setup Database Table. Instead of using the CreateTable.sql file you need to use the UpdateTable_from_less_1.3.0_to_
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