Persistent Variables
Persistent Variables
- 2.1 - Setup Database
- 2.2 - Setup Database Table
- 2.3 - Setup GSE Action
- 2.4 - Setup an updated version
- 3.1 - Create a persistent variable
- 3.2 - Store a value
- 3.3 - Retrieve a value
- 3.4 - Simple Script - Store Variable
- 3.5 - Simple Script - Retrieve Variable
Properties & Methods
- 4.1 - Name
- 4.2 - Value
- 4.3 - Default
- 4.4 - Scope
- 4.5 - Namespace
- 4.6 - UserID
- 4.7 - GroupID
- 4.8 - CallerName
- 4.9 - CallerNumber
- 4.10 - Created
- 4.11 - CreatedByName
- 4.12 - CreatedByNumber
- 4.13 - Modified
- 4.14 - ModifiedByName
- 4.15 - ModifiedByNumber
- 4.16 - Forget
- 4.17 - LatestError
- 4.18 - LatestDescription
- 6.1 - Database field definitions
- 6.2 - Master Standby Installations
- 6.3 - Use SQL Server on different machine
- 6.4 - Use database with different name (other than default name)
- 6.5 - Use different database (other than MS SQL Server, e.g. MySQL or Oracle)
- 6.6 - Usage of Persistent Variables outside of a call routing script
Appendix A
Appendix B
2 pages in this category
Persistent Variables - A.1 - Night Switch - Night Switch Manager
Last Updated:VBScript The Night Switch Manager script is used to enable or disable the night switch. How to install it Make sure you have the Persistent Variables extension properly installed Create or use a dummy/test user Open it's Call Routing Manager Create a new rule using the GSE Import the file NightSwitchManager.rse from the download package You might want to record your own announcement for the Get DTMF Char block explaining the - 963 views
Persistent Variables - A.2 - Night Switch enabled call routing script
Last Updated:VBScript This script is an example to show how to use the Night Switch in any call routing script of any user. How to install it Make sure you have the Persistent Variable extension properly installed Open Call Routing Manager of the user you want a Night Switch enabled call routing script for Create a new ruleusing the GSE Import the file NightSwitchEnabledScript.rse from the download package Save the rule and exit the GSE - 814 views