Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10
This function returns the suffix to dial when connecting the call to a conference to switch the "one way" conference mode on for this call.
local sSuffix = OneWayConferenceSuffix()
or if being used directly within a GSE property dialog, e.g. in a Connect To block to connect the call to a conference room in "one way" mode:
This function returns a string value.
The suffix is fixed to the value #owc#, refer to Feature Codes.
A "one way" conference is a conference where the caller is able to listen only. His own voice will automatically be muted.
Instead of using this suffix when connecting the call into a conference, you can also enable the one way mode by using the IpPbx.OneWayConference() function before using the Connect To block to connect the call into the conference room.
By Tom Wellige