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  • String Helper Functions

    String Helper Functions

    14 pages in this category

    1. AddLeadingZeros()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function takes a string or a number (converts it into a string) and adds leading zeros ("0") until a given length is reached.   local sNumber = AddLeadingZeros(szSource, nExpectedNumberLength)     This functions returns a string value.     Example:   local nNumber = 2 local sNumber = AddLeadingZeros(nNumber, 4) PBXScript.OutputTrace("sNumber = " .. sNumber) --> sNumber = 0002    
    2. IsEmailString()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function checks, if the given string is an email address.   local bEmail = IsEmailString(str)     This function returns a boolean value.   The check for a valid email email address is quite simple, it will just be checked if there is an "@" character within the given string.      Example:   local bEMail = IsEmailString("test@test.com") PBXScript.OutputTrace ("bEMail = " ..tostring(bEMail)) --&
    3. IsInString()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function checks is a given substring is part of a given string.   local bFound = IsInString(str, substr)     This function returns a boolean value.     Examples:   local bFound = IsInString("+494012345", "123") PBXScript.OutputTrace("bFound = " .. tostring(bFound)) --> bFound = true   local bFound = IsInString("Erika Mustermann", "Herbert") PBXScript.OutputTrace("bFound = " .. tostring(bFound)
    4. IsString()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function checks if the given parameter is of type string.   local bString = IsString(str)     This function returns a boolean value.     Examples:   local bString = IsString("I am a string") PBXScript.OutputTrace("bString = " .. tostring(bString)) --> bString = true   local bString = IsString(12345) PBXScript.OutputTrace("bString = " .. tostring(bString)) --> bString = false    
    5. StringLeft()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function returns the given number of characters from the left side of the given string.   local sLeft = StringLeft(str, len)     This function returns a string value.     Examples:   local sLeft = StringLeft("Erika Mustermann", 5) PBXScript.OutputTrace("sLeft = " .. sLeft) --> sLeft = Erika   local tConfig = nil local sPublicLineAccess = "" tConfig = PBXScript.GetPBXConfig() sPublicLineAccess
    6. StringLen()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function returns the length of a given string.   local nLength = StringLen(str)     This function returns a number value.     Examples:   local nLength = StringLen("Erika Mustermann") PBXScript.OutputTrace("nLength = " .. tostring(nLength)) --> nLength = 16   local tConfig = nil local sPublicLineAccess = "" tConfig = PBXScript.GetPBXConfig() sPublicLineAccess = tConfig.publicaccessprefix PBXSc
    7. StringLTrim()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   The helper function removes all space characters from the left from a given string.   local sLeft = StringLTrim(str)     This function returns a string value.     Example:   local sLeft = StringLTrim(" Erika Mustermann ") PBXScript.OutputTrace("#" .. sLeft .. "#") --> #Erika Mustermann #    
    8. StringMid()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function returns a given number of characters from a given position from within a given string.   local sMid = StringMid(str, pos, len)     This function returns a string value.     Example:   local sMid = StringMid("Erika Mustermann", 7, 6) PBXScript.OutputTrace("sMid = " .. sMid) --> sMid = Muster    
    9. StringPos()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function search the first occurance of a substring within a string an returns its position.   local nPos = StringPos(str, substr)     This function returns a number value.     Example:   local nPos = StringPos("Erika Mustermann", "Muster") PBXScript.OutputTrace("nPos = " .. tostring(nPos)) --> nPos = 7    
    10. StringReplace()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function replaces a given substring within a given string by a replacement substring.   local sReplace = StringReplace(str, substr, repl)     This function returns a string value.     Example:   local sReplace = StringReplace("Erika Mustermann", "Muster", "Bau") PBXScript.OutputTrace("sReplace = " .. sReplace) --> sReplace = Erika Baumann    
    11. StringRight()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function returns the given number of characters from the right side of the given string.   local sRight = StringRight(str, len)     This function returns a string value.     Example:   local sRight = StringRight("Erika Mustermann", 4) PBXScript.OutputTrace("sRight = " .. sRight) --> sRight = mann    
    12. StringRTrim()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   The helper function removes all space characters from the right from a given string.   local sRight = StringRTrim(str)     This function returns a string value.     Example:   local sRight = StringRTrim(" Erika Mustermann ") PBXScript.OutputTrace("#" .. sRight .. "#") --> # Erika Mustermann#    
    13. StringSplitToTable()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   This helper function splits parts of a given string, separated by a given separator, into a table.   local tParts = StringSplitToTable(sInput, sSeperator)     This function returns a table of string values.     Example:   local tParts = StringSplitToTable("111;222;333;444", ";") for i = 1, #tParts do PBXScript.OutputTrace("tParts[" .. tostring(i) .. "] = " .. tParts[i]) end --> tParts[1] = 111 --> tParts[
    14. StringTrim()

      Lua   SwxWare v13.10   The helper function removes all space characters from the left and right from a given string.   local sTrim = StringTrim(str)     This function returns a string value.     Example:   local sTrim = StringTrim(" Erika Mustermann ") PBXScript.OutputTrace("#" .. sTrim .. "#") --> #Erika Mustermann#    
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