Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10
This function returns the current script users' DoNotDisturb (DND) status.
if (IsDoNotDisturb() == true) then -- do something else -- do something else end
or if being used directly within a GSE property dialog, e.g. in an Evaluate block to directly evaluate the DoNotDisturb status and place it the block exits:
This function returns a boolean value.
If being used in a group context (from SwyxWare v13.27) this function returns false. Read more about user and group context differences here.
This function can be called at any time within the call routing script.
The current do not disturb state will be requested making use of the Server Script API function PBXUser.DoNotDisturb().
This function only returns the SwyxWare internal do not disturb state. If you need the extended state which includes also the status of connected systems, like MS Teams, you should use the function PBXUser.DoNotDisturbViaPresence().
By Tom Wellige