Lua SwxWare v13.10
This helper function splits parts of a given string, separated by a given separator, into a table.
local tParts = StringSplitToTable(sInput, sSeperator)
This function returns a table of string values.
local tParts = StringSplitToTable("111;222;333;444", ";") for i = 1, #tParts do PBXScript.OutputTrace("tParts[" .. tostring(i) .. "] = " .. tParts[i]) end --> tParts[1] = 111 --> tParts[2] = 222 --> tParts[3] = 333 --> tParts[4] = 444
Please note: if you are still using a "Lua Beta Testing" version of SwyxWare (i.e. v13.1x), you need to copy&paste the following function into the Start block of your GSE script as it wasn't a build-in helper function yet.
-- split parts of string, separated by a given separator, into a table function StringSplitToTable ( sInput, sSeperator ) local t={} if (sSeperator == nil) then sSeperator = "%s" end if (type(sInput) == "string") then if (type(sSeperator) == "string") then for sStr in string.gmatch(sInput, "([^".. sSeperator .."]+)") do table.insert(t, sStr) end end end return t end
By Tom Wellige