Lua → VBScript SwxWare v13.10
The function returns the current day of the week (1-7) according to the script user's location.
local nDayOfWeek = CurDayOfWeek()
or if being used directly within a GSE property dialog, e.g. in a Say Number block to directly announce the current day of the week (as a number) to the caller:
This function returns a number value.
The returned number evaluates to:
- 1 - Sunday
- 2 - Monday
- 3 - Tuesday
- 4 - Wednesday
- 5 - Thursday
- 6 - Friday
- 7 - Saturday
If you are interested in the name of the current day of the week (instead of the number) you can use the Lua build-in function os.time().
This function can be called at any time within the call routing script.
The current date will be requested making use of the Server Script API function PBXUser.Now(). This ensures that the location configuration (time zone) of the script user will be considered.
By Tom Wellige