Once the CDRs are written into the database an additional table and a so called trigger must be configured. To do so, use the SQL script
from the SQL folder of the installation package. After having executed this script the created trigger will automatically take newly written CDRs from the SwyxServer, extract the user and disconnect time from it and stores these information within the LongestWaiting table.
Some more documentation on how to execute SQL statements on an MS SQL Server (i.e. making use of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio) can be found in the Open Queue Manual, chapter 3.2 Database.
In order to get this working correctly two parameters need to be configured within the Parameters table:
ExtensionRange - the number of digits of SwyxWare’s extension range, default: 3
PublicLineAccess - number to be dialed for public line access, default: default: 0
Once everything is configured correctly you can check the proper functionality by having a look into the LongestWaiting table to check if records for current timestamps/calls will be written.
By Tom Wellige