VBScript → Lua
This functions returns the length in seconds of the last recorded message using the Record Message block of the GSE.
Dim nLength nLength = RecordLen()
or if being used directly within a GSE property dialog, e.g. in a Say Number block to directly announce the length of the last recorded message to the caller:
This function returns a long value.
This function is identical to the Server Script API function PBXCall.LastRecordedMessageLength.
When using the Record Message block of the GSE you can afterwards call this function at any time to receive the length of the recorded message (i.e. the WAV file) in seconds.
If no message was recorded the function returns 0 (zero).
The SendEmail action deletes the last recording. So retrieve it beforehand. If you got a file size it remains valid until the script is finished. After that the file will be deleted by the server.
By Tom Wellige