GSE build-in functions (VBScript)
GSE build-in functions (VBScript)
- IpPbx.Away
- IpPbx.CallingName
- IpPbx.CallingNumber
- IpPbx.DoNotDisturb
- IpPbx.OneWayConference
- IpPbx.SecondaryCallingNumber
- IpPbx.UserFreeStatusText
- CallDuration()
- CalledNumber()
- CallID()
- CallStart()
- CurDate()
- CurDateTime()
- CurDay()
- CurDayOfWeek()
- CurHour()
- CurMinute()
- CurMonth()
- CurSecond()
- CurTime()
- CurYear()
- ExternalCall()
- InternalCall()
- IsAway()
- IsBusy()
- IsDoNotDisturb()
- IsLoggedIn()
- IsOutlookBusy()
- IsOutOfOffice()
- LastCause()
- OneWayConferenceSuffix()
- PIN()
- PostDialingDigits()
- RecordLen()
- VoicemailOriginatorEMailAddress()
1 page in this category
Last Updated:VBScript → Lua The GSE defines a number of usefull functions to make use of within your call routing scripts. At many places within the GSE block parameter dialogs you'll find a button right after a field to enter some value in. For example the properties dialog of the Connect To block: This button has exactly two purposes: telling you that you can put in any VBScript code you like into the field be - 1,946 views