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VBScript Open Browser on incoming call 1.0

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About This File

This small vbscript shows how to react on SwyxIt events. It opens a given URL in your default web browser on each incoming call.


To use it you have to first edit the script and define the URL to call. Just open the script in your favourite text editor and change the URL on line 5. You can use %num% and %name% as placeholder for caller number and name. The script replaces them with the caller number and caller name of the incoming call.


Optionally you can define different URLs for different lines. See lines 10 to 14 in the script. If no line specific URL is defined the default one will be used.


Start the script with cscript.exe after SwyxIt is running, e.g.


       cscript.exe SwyxItEvent.vbs


Let it run in the background. It will open the specified URL for each incoming call.


This file was originally posted on the old forum page on 02.11.2007 by Martin.


What's New in Version 1.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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