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Fridays' Swyx Tip #1: Missed Call Alert

Tom Wellige



From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions or downloads might not be available anymore.


This blog article was originally posted on 08.01.2009 09:17


Dear Swyx Users


I'm sure everyone is familiar with the Swyx caller list. The caller list contains information about the calls that have come in for you. You see the numbers of the callers, their names (if known), the time of the call and what happened to it, whether it was picked up or forwarded and so on.


If a call was not picked up by you, you will see this by the animation of the "Caller List" button.




But did you know that you can also send an alert msg when you have missed a called?
Yes, Swyx makes sure that you stay in control of your communication! No call will stay unanswered, as you will be notified straight away if you have missed an incoming call to your extension.


SwyxWare sends you an e-mail with the caller details, date and time when you did not answer your phone.


You have missed a call from +6493092323 McNeil Ltd on Thursday 23/10/2008 4:42:59 p.m.
The called number was 301.
Click here to call back: callto:+6493092323

Brought to you by: www.swyx.com



Or you can even be notified via a txt message!




To enable this notification e-mail, you have to add a simply call routing script to your rule book.


You can download the sample ECR script fom below. Save the rule and import the script in your Call Routing Manager and change the e-mail address accordingly.







From now on, you will be notified if you missed a call and you can make sure that your customers are getting treated as they deserve it 😉


Any questions?


Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing . . . .


Kind regards


@ IT Net World Ltd, NZ AUS SWYX Distributor





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