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Locked EN (Press): Release of SwyxWare 2013 R4

Tom Wellige

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Unified Communications (UC) vendor Swyx has announced the fourth release of its SwyxWare 2013 solution. In addition to further enhancements to the software, the highlight of the latest update includes integration with the collaboration tool TeamViewer within the Swyx client: by clicking on SwyxWare’s collaboration button, the user can activate the pre-installed TeamViewer application and start an online meeting within a few seconds and display documents to view or share in real-time.

Plug & Play TeamViewer

"For colleagues working from home, sat on different floors in the same office or in other locations, it is becoming increasingly important to initiate Web conferences via a mouse click during a call to review and edit documents together", explains Thomas Köhler, product manager at Swyx. "Our flexible Plug-In makes this easy by integrating the popular collaboration software."
After updating to the new version, Swyx users need only to install a TeamViewer version 9 licence to take advantage of this functionality.  

New Swyx Module for Windows PowerShell simplifies administration

In addition to the TeamViewer-integration the new version R4 includes enhancements in the areas of CTI-pairing and integration with Microsoft PowerShell. Due to the newly introduced Bulk administration, recurring administrative tasks or changes can be implemented quickly and efficiently to all or specific users. A total of 145 commands are integrated in the new version of SwyxWare.

Download of SwyxWare 2013 R4

Download TeamViewer


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