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  • GetDestinationFromZIPCode()


    Lua   → VBScript


    This function returns a destination to connect a call to related to a given ZIP code.

    Please see the Introduction chapter for some usage instructions.


    -- ZIP_Code_Areas
    -- This table holds all ZIP code areas (from and to numbers) as
    -- well as the related destination that should be returned by the
    -- GetDestinationFromZIPCode function.
    -- Modifying (add, edit, delete) the ZIP code ranges can easily be 
    -- done in this table. There shouldn't be any need to modify the 
    -- GetDestinationFromZIPCode function.
    local ZIP_Code_Areas = 
        { from = 00000, to = 19999, destination = "101" }, 
        { from = 20000, to = 29999, destination = "102" }, 
        { from = 30000, to = 39999, destination = "103" }, 
        { from = 40000, to = 40999, destination = "104" }, 
        { from = 41000, to = 41999, destination = "105" }, 
        { from = 42000, to = 42999, destination = "106" }, 
        { from = 43000, to = 43999, destination = "107" }, 
        { from = 44000, to = 49999, destination = "108" }, 
        { from = 50000, to = 79999, destination = "109" }, 
        { from = 80000, to = 99999, destination = "110" }
    -- GetDestinationFromZIPCode
    -- Returns a destination corresponding to a given ZIP code.
    -- The ZIP code ranges and their destination number are defined in the 
    -- above ZIP_Code_Areas table and can be easily modified there.
    -- If the given ZIP code doesn't match any ZIP code range, the function returns
    -- a default destination.
    -- Parameters
    --   sZIPCode                ZIP code find the destination for
    --   sDefaultDestination     Default destination if no ZIP code range matches the given ZIP code
    --   nZipCodeLength          Length of the used ZIP code. This variy from country to country.
    -- Returns
    --   string                  Destination corresponding to given ZIP code or default destination.
    function GetDestinationFromZIPCode ( sZIPCode, sDefaultDestination, nZipCodeLength )
        PBXScript.OutputTrace ("-----------> CheckCallerInTextFile")
        PBXScript.OutputTrace ("sZIPCode = " .. sZIPCode)
        PBXScript.OutputTrace ("sDefaultDestination = " .. sDefaultDestination)
        PBXScript.OutputTrace ("nZipCodeLength = " .. tostring(nZipCodeLength))
        local sReturn = sDefaultDestination
        if (StringLen(sZIPCode) ~= nZipCodeLength) or (not tonumber(sZIPCode)) then 
            PBXScript.OutputTrace ("Invalid ZIP code, using default destination.")
            PBXScript.OutputTrace ("Must be a string constisting of " .. tostring(nZipCodeLength) .. " digits (0-9) only.")
            local bFound   = false
            local nZIPCode = tonumber(sZIPCode)
            for i,range in ipairs(ZIP_Code_Areas) do
                if (nZIPCode >= range.from) and (nZIPCode <= range.to) then
                    PBXScript.OutputTrace ("Found ZIP code range " .. tostring(i) .. " (" .. tostring(range.from) .. "-" .. tostring(range.to) .. ")")
                    sReturn = range.destination
                    bFound  = true
            if not bFound then
                PBXScript.OutputTrace ("No ZIP code range found, using default destination.")
        PBXScript.OutputTrace ("sReturn = " .. sReturn)
        PBXScript.OutputTrace ("<----- GetDestinationFromZIPCode")
        return sReturn


    This function makes use of the Server Script API function PBXScript.OutputTrace() to write trace information into the SwyxServer trace file.


    On top of the code an array is defined which contains ZIP code ranges and a destination. If a given destination is within such a range the function returns the destination being stored for this range.


    The idea of this function is, that you ask a user for a ZIP code (Postleitzahl in German) and then connect the call to an agent being responsible for this ZIP code area.


    The following is a simple GSE rule showing the usage of this function.







    Via the following link you can download this simple rule (you need to be logged in to be able to use this link)






    This function was converted from VBScript into Lua from earlier version of it which was posted in this forum topic.



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