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Let me take you onto a trip into the SwyxWare Call Routing wilderness. Get ready to get your hands and knees dirty and to sleep under the bright firmament of API functions...

Entries in this blog

#17: Be more flexible on dates! (Part 2 - Lua)

Lua → VBScript   Some time ago I wrote about checking for being in (or out) of a time period more flexible. To recap, the GSE Time block only offers to enter hard coded dates and times, but it doesn't offer the usage of variables.     In that previous article I showed how easy it VBScripts makes to take the date/time calculation in the own hands by using CDate() to convert a string into a date and afterwards use DateDiff() for the calculation.   The b

Tom Wellige

Tom Wellige in Lua

#16: Code, code, code

VBScript Lua   After having brought the Server Script API and the GSE build-in function documentation into a new format for VBScript and Lua based call routing, the next logical step was to do the same with the huge function collection from the ECR - Useful Link Collection page.   So here you have it:   Function Collection (VBScript) Function Collection (Lua)     And of course you will find it also easily reachable in the page menu:  

Tom Wellige

Tom Wellige in Lua

#15: Docs, docs, docs

VBScript Lua   Some time ago I created already a documentation for the Server Script API and GSE build-in functions for VBScript based call routing. With Lua based call routing peeking around the corner I decided to bring this documentation into a new format to be able to differ easily between VBScript and Lua. And of course also created all documentation for Lua based call routing as well.   So here you go!   VBScript based call routing   Server Scrip

Tom Wellige

Tom Wellige in Lua

#14: Lua is coming closer

VBScript Lua   To give an early impression of the new Lua based call routing with SwyxWare, I have updated the   Zendesk Integration   project here on Swyx Forum. It comes now with its full feature set for VBScript based call routing as well as for Lua based call routing.   Althouth the Lua based call routing is still in BETA state in SwyxWare 13.10 and should not be used in productive environments, you can use the new version to get an idea of Lua based

Tom Wellige

Tom Wellige in Lua

#13: Lua is coming

Lua   No, winter is not coming, but Lua is.   The current SwyxWare 13.10 includes a beta version of a new Lua Call Routing engine which adds to the existing VBSript engine. It will not replace VBScript, but will be just another language that can be used for the SwyxWare Call Routing. The Call Routing of a user will be either VBScript or LUA, it can't be a mix of both. Existing users with VBScript Call Routing will simply continue to use the VBScript call routing. New users w

Tom Wellige

Tom Wellige in Lua

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