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oLine.DispState when dialing


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oLine.DispState does not seem to work properly, according to this list, I will be able to check if a call resulted in the peer disconnecting "PubLSTerminated", but if the peer does not accept the call \ rejects the call, i always get "PubLSActive"

* //line states
* typedef enum
* {
*     PubLSNone=-1,                  //unknown, not defined
*     PubLSInactive=0,               //line is inactive
*     PubLSHookOffInternal,          //off hook, internal dialtone
*     PubLSHookOffExternal,          //off hook, external dialtone
*     PubLSRinging,                  //incoming call, ringing
*     PubLSDialing,                  //outgoing call, we are dialing, no sound
*     PubLSAlerting,                 //outgoing call, alerting = ringing on destination
*     PubLSKnocking,                 //outgoing call, knocking = second call ringing on destination
*     PubLSBusy,                     //outgoing call, destination is busy, reason given in property "PubDiscReason"
*     PubLSActive,                   //incoming / outgoing call, logical and physical connection is established
*     PubLSOnHold,                   //incoming / outgoing call, logical connection is established, destination gets music on hold
*     PubLSConferenceActive,         //incoming / outgoing conference, logical and physical connection is established
*     PubLSConferenceOnHold,         //incoming / outgoing conference, logical connection is established, not physcically connected
*     PubLSTerminated                //incoming / outgoing connection / call has been disconnected,
*                                    //reason given in property "PubDiscReason"
*     PubLSDirectCall                //incoming call, logical and physical connection is established but micro is muted
* } PubCLMgrLineStates;




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