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Fridays' Swyx Tip #10: Change ringing tone for callers

Tom Wellige



From 2009 to 2011 mirjam baumberger wrote a great blog, the "Fridays' Swyx Tip". Every Friday she posted a tip regarding the usage of SwyxWare and connected tools and devices. As the old forum is offline, this article series will be restored here again over the time. Please note that some information in this article series might not be valid anymore with current SwyxWare versions.


This blog article was originally posted on 30.01.2009 04:07


Dear Swyx Users


Did you know that you can define a custom ringing sound ? When Swyx receives an incoming call you can actually play a custom ringing tone to the caller while the call is connecting to its destination.


Scenario: After your standard trading hours, SwyxWare is advising the caller that they will be connected to the after hours service team. While your customers is listening to the instruction on how your after-hours service is working, Swyx is already trying the get a hold of your standby staff.


How can you do that?


By opening your ECR script and editing the Connect To block.




By default the system alert sound is played but you have also an option to select a individual WAV/MP3 file.




  • From the WLW-FridaysSwyxTipChangealerttoneforcallers_F08E-clip_image005_thumb.jpg drop down list select a file.
  • Browse your hard drive by clicking on WLW-FridaysSwyxTipChangealerttoneforcallers_F08E-clip_image007_thumb.jpg. When searching, you can also choose a file in MP3 format. Upon selection, the MP3 file will automatically be converted into the supported WAV format and saved in your personal directory on the SwyxServer. The converted files are therefore available for use later. During the conversion process, the Info dialog "Please wait, the file is being converted into WAV format" will open.
  • To listen to your new select alert file click on WLW-FridaysSwyxTipChangealerttoneforcallers_F08E-clip_image009_thumb.jpg. Click on WLW-FridaysSwyxTipChangealerttoneforcallers_F08E-clip_image011_thumb.jpg, to stop playing the file.


Or you can even record your own altering announcement


  • To record a new alert announcement click on WLW-FridaysSwyxTipChangealerttoneforcallers_F08E-clip_image013_thumb.jpg: You will then be prompted to enter a file name. The following window appears: "Start Recording". Click on "Start" to begin recording the announcement. Stop the recording by clicking on WLW-FridaysSwyxTipChangealerttoneforcallers_F08E-clip_image011_thumb.jpg.
  • To delete the selected file, click on WLW-FridaysSwyxTipChangealerttoneforcallers_F08E-clip_image015_thumb.jpg.



Have a good weekend and happy Swyxing...





@ IT Net World Ltd, NZ & AUS SWYX Distributor





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