This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 03.07.2014 by me
The SwyxIt! Web Extension control and Shortcut buttons supports a set of variables to retrieve certain call related values. Variables names are case insensitive.
For the web extension variables can be part of the URL or HTML content.
Supported Variables
%SelLinePeernumber% is the phone number of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) on the selected line.
%RelatedLinePeernumber% is the phone number of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) on the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
- %SelLinePeernumberPublicFormat% is the phone number of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) in non-canonical format without public access prefix on the selected line (the settings from the user’s location will be used).
- public access prefix: 0
- long distance prefix: 0
- international prefix: 00
- area code: 231
- country code: 49
- length of own internal number: 3 digits (eg. 222)
The length of internal numbers is guessed from the length of the own internal number.
SelLinePeernumber | SelLinePeernumberPublicFormat |
0003320123456 | 003320123456 |
0004940123456 | 040123456 |
00049231123456 | 0231123456 |
0040123456 | 040123456 |
00231123456 | 0231123456 |
0123456 | 0231123456 |
200 | 200 |
%RelatedLinePeernumberPublicFormat% is similar to %SelLinePeernumberPublicFormat% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%SelLinePeername% is the display name of the other party (for inbound and outbound calls) on the selected line.
%RelatedLinePeername% is similar to %SelLinePeername% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%SelLinePeeraddress% contains the
- %SelLinePeername% and the %SelLinePeernumber% when both details are known
- %SelLinePeername% when only the name is known
- %SelLinePeernumber% when only the number is known
%RelatedLinePeeraddress% is similar to %SelLinePeeraddress% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%SelLineCallednumber% is the own called extension or group extension for inbound calls. This parameter is empty for outbound calls.
%RelatedLineCallednumber% is similar to %SelLineCallednumber% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%SelLineCalledname% is the own called name or group name for inbound calls. This parameter is empty for outbound calls.
%RelatedLineCalledname% is similar to %SelLineCalledname% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%SelLineCalledaddress% contains the
- %SelLineCalledname% and the %SelLineCallednumber% when both details are known
- %SelLineCalledname% when only the name is known
- %SelLineCallednumber% when only the number is known
%RelatedLineCalledaddress% is similar to %SelLineCalledaddress% but retrieves the value from the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%SelLineCallID% is the call id (CDR id) of the current / previous call on the selected line.
%RelatedLineCallID% is the call id (CDR id) of the current / previous call on the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%SelLineDisconnectReason% is the disconnect reason of the current / previous call on the selected line. Possible disconnect reasons are:
0 normal disconnect
1 peer was busy
2 peer rejected call
3 call was cancelled
4 call was transferred
6 peer did not pick up, timeout
7 call was already picked up from other phone
9 invalid number was dialed
10 destination is unreachable
12 call routing failed, possible script error (script of peer)
13 permission for call was denied due to call restrictions (e.g. no long distance call allowed)
14 no line available (within ISDN network)
15 no gateway channel available
16 the number of the called party has changed
17 the device type of the called party is incompatible
18 wrong phone number format, e.g. bad character
%RelatedLineDisconnectReason% is the disconnect reason of the current / previous call on the line that is linked to the Web Extension.
%OwnName% is the own SwyxWare name as displayed in the SwyxIt! display
- %ActiveServerName% is the name of the active SwyxServer as displayed in the SwyxIt! display
Windows environment variables like %PATH% or %APPDIR% are supported as well.