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  • This article is taken from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was originally posted 06.08.2010 by me.


    This articles contains information about Windows Registry Keys. The usage of them is at own risk. It is assumed that you are an experienced Windows Administrator who knows how to handle the Windows Registry.


    From SwyxWare v6.12 on it is possible to manipulate the name of the trancrecording file. The following explains it:


    For special purpose it is possible to change the file name layout by adding a registration key:


    Add a new value of type "String" with the name "CallRecordingFilenameFormat" to


    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Swyx\IpPbxSrv\CurrentVersion\Options
      (on 32 bit operating system)
    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Swyx\IpPbxSrv\CurrentVersion\Options
      (on 64 bit operating system)



    The format string may contain one or more of the following place holders


    [internaladdresscanonical]   the internal address in canonical number format (if available)
    [internaladdress]            the internal address
    [remoteaddresscanonical]     the remote address in canonical number format (if available)
    [remoteaddress]              the remote address
    [remotename]                 the remote name
    [calldirection]              the direction of the call (In/Out)
    [callid]                     the call id as of the corosponding CDR record
    [date]                       the date of the call in the format "yymmdd", e.g. 080102 for 2 Jan 2008
    [time]                       the time of the call in the format "hhmmss", e.g. 070809


    The default format is "[calldirection]#[internaladdress]#[remotename]#[remoteaddress]#[date]#[time]" which will create the same filename as original implementation.


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