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F11 without the leading 0

Yama Mateen

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Hello Yama,


yes you can change this:

Create a VBS script like "MyCallTo.VBS"
Copy and paste the the following information in the script and save your script.:

You can do any number manipulation here in this script:


Option Explicit

    Dim PhoneLineMgr : Set PhoneLineMgr = Nothing
    Dim errval, DialDigits, Pos, i

    Set PhoneLineMgr = Wscript.CreateObject("CLMgr.ClientLineMgr") : CheckError
    DialDigits = ""

    for i = 0 to Wscript.Arguments.Count - 1
        DialDigits = DialDigits & Wscript.Arguments.Item(i) & " "
    DialDigits = LCase(DialDigits)
    Pos  = instr(1, DialDigits, "callto:", 1)
    if Pos > 0 then DialDigits = Mid(dialDigits,Pos+7)
    Pos  = instr(1, DialDigits, "tel:", 1)
    if Pos > 0 then DialDigits = Mid(dialDigits,Pos+4)
    DialDigits = Replace(DialDigits, "%20", "", 1, -1, 1)
    DialDigits = Replace(DialDigits, "%2b", "+", 1, -1, 1)

    errval = PhoneLineMgr.DispSimpleDialEx3(DialDigits, -1, 1, "")

    Set PhoneLineMgr = Nothing

    Wscript.Quit errval

Sub CheckError
    Dim message, errRec
    If Err = 0 Then Exit Sub
    message = Err.Source & " " & Hex(Err) & ": " & Err.Description
    Fail message
End Sub

Sub Fail(message)
    Wscript.Echo message
    Wscript.Quit 2
End Sub



Open registry editor and go to



Edit the value:


"C:\Program Files (x86)\SwyxIt!\SwyxIt!.exe" -d "%1"




"C:\MyFolder\MyCallTo.VBS" "%1"


Your done!

NOTE : I did not test this. So you may need to make some changes to the script.



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