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Archive: Event signalling from client line manager into VB script

Tom Wellige

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The following post is restored from the Swyx Forum Archive (2007-2014) and was posted originally at 23.06.2011 by StefanD.


Hi, because some of you asked for the samples shown at the last SwyxTechnologyConference:

We will add them to a future ClientSDK package, but the most interesting one seems to be the event signalling from the client line manager into VB script (which is possible although the docs tell currently something different - will be corrected).


So - how to do that:


Put a second parameter (which is a kind of prefix for the event handler) into the CreateObject call, like this:


Set PhoneLineMgr = Wscript.CreateObject("CLMgr.ClientLineMgr", "PhoneLineMgr_")


After that you can catch all events inside your event handler which has to be named this way (I put the whole source of the sample's event handler here to give a little idea about what's possible and which events are received, e.g. line state changes, name key (=speeddial) changes etc.).


The whole list of signalled events and their values can be found inside the header CLMgrPubTypes.h, enum PubCLMgrMessages - it's of course a good idea to define some consts inside your VB script to have some speaking names for the events instead of the enum values):


Sub PhoneLineMgr_DispOnLineMgrNotification(ByVal msg, ByVal param)
    Select Case msg
        Case 0 'PubCLMgrLineStateChangedMessage, param = index of line
            Set Line = PhoneLineMgr.DispGetLine(param)
            WScript.Echo "line " & param & ": state changed to: " & Line.DispState
            Set Line = Nothing
        Case 1 'PubCLMgrLineSelectionChangedMessage
            WScript.Echo "line selection changed"
        Case 9 'PubCLMgrNameKeyStateChangedMessage
            If PhoneLineMgr.DispSpeedDialNumber(param) <> "" Then
                WScript.Echo "NameKeyStateChanged #: " & param &_
                    " Name: " & PhoneLineMgr.DispSpeedDialName(param) &_
                    " Number: " & PhoneLineMgr.DispSpeedDialNumber(param) &_
                    " State: " & PhoneLineMgr.DispSpeedDialState(param)
            End If
    End Select
End Sub


Enjoy ;)

Answer 1: 23.06.2011 by Daaf


This is very useful info Stefan!


But... Ofcourse I won't make things easy on you... This is not a solution for vbscript but for a wscript (windows scripting host) environment which uses vbcript as it's language.

the wscript.createobject method supports the "strPrefix" parameter which you use here...But other vbscript based environments do not.

Let's say (our case) that the control is called from a web application (e.g. from within a webbrowser), here one can not use wscript.createObject method, but you have to use the createObject("..") function (see: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dcw63t7z(v=vs.85).aspx) This function does not support the second parameter "strPrefix" (it supports a second parameter "location", but that is a completely different parameter!)


So, how do I get access to the events then?


Answer 2: 23.06.2011 by Tom Wellige


Event handling is actually available in WSH scripts only, not in VBScripts/JScripts hosted by IE, IIS or SwyxServer.


Maybe its possible to instantiate the WScript object from within the VBScript and afterwards call the WScript's CreateObject function?




Answer 3: 23.06.2011 by Tom Wellige


I have just uploaded a small vbscript that exports current caller information into a text file.


It makes use of the event handling mechanism of the Client Line Manager to update the file also for transferred calls.


You'll find the script in the download section here at Swyx Forum. Watch out for:




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