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CDS User Status


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im trying to get a list of all users with their current status ( reachable, currently phoning , away, dnd) but i cant find a propertie in the UserEntry class displaying these


my Code looks like this at the moment


public static string getUserList()
  var cdsLib = init();

  List<User> Users = new List<User>();

    var userList = cdsLib.GetUsers("%");
    foreach (SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.Users.UserEntry userEntry in userList)
      User tmpUsr = new User();
      tmpUsr.id = userEntry.UserID;
      tmpUsr.name = userEntry.Name;
      tmpUsr.status = userEntry.CurrentUserSituation; //wrong
      foreach(SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.Users.MembershipEntry groupUser in userEntry.MembershipEntryCollection)
        tmpUsr.group = tmpUsr.group + groupUser.GroupID.ToString() + ","; //placeholder will be replaced with group stuct list

    return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Users);   
  catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine("Exception: "+ ex.Message);
    return "";


CurrenUserSituation is sadly not what im looking for (always 0)


Is there a Method or Propertie displaying what im looking for ? if not what is the common way to get the status of a User.


Thanks in advance



(also if my Code has some bad practice feel free to correct me, im normaly not a C# Dev)


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Ok i found it by reversing a Powershellscript i found in the archive here.


UserStatus is not in UserEntry its in UserPhoneBook


i extended CDSLIB by getUserPhoneBooks where i search for the user by name (couldn't find a way to search for userID)

public PBXPhoneBookPrimaryCollection GetUserPhonebooks(string name)
  var stat = this.libManager.GetUserPhoneBookEnum();

    PBXPhoneBookPrimaryCollection books = stat.GetPBXPhoneBook(name, false, true);
    return books;
  } catch(Exception ex)
    log.TraceException(ex, true);

and then loop through all results to filter the UserId Match and get the Status as string from the enum.


var pb = cdsLib.GetUserPhonebooks(userEntry.Name);
  foreach(SWConfigDataClientLib.Proxies.UserPhoneBook.PBXPhoneBookEntry phoneBook in pb)

    if(phoneBook.UserID == tmpUsr.id)
    SWConfigDataClientLib.WSUserPhoneBook.PhonebookStatus status = (SWConfigDataClientLib.WSUserPhoneBook.PhonebookStatus)phoneBook.UserStatus;
    tmpUsr.status = status.ToString(); 




Is there maybe a better way ?


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