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Conference PIN - dynamical generating without DB or textfile


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Hi together,


I was looking for a easy way to change the conference PIN. The solution with DB or textfile is to complicated. Therfore I developed a solution in which the PIN is calculated related on the date. The calculation can be changed and modified easily.


- In the start block there is a function, which makes the calculation
- In the "Set Variable" block the result of this function will be assigned to a variable
- After that the caller have to enter a PIN, which will be compared with the calculated PIN


Following the calculation script. To get an easy example, I concatenate only the year and month, e.g. 201804. There is no limit about the calculation complexity (root, cross sum, ...).


ATTENTION: The result of the function have to be a string, otherwise the comparission with the DTMF-input would not work.


'################  Skript-Beginn   ############################
Function SetKonferenzPin()
' Diese Funktion berechnet die Konferenz-PIN anhand des Datums
' Variablen deklarieren
Dim v_pin, v_jahr, v_monat, v_tag, v_jahr_teil1, v_jahr_teil2


'Jahr einlesen (4stellig)
v_jahr = Year(date)


'Monat einlesen
v_monat = Month(date)
if v_monat < 10 then
  v_monat = "0" & v_monat
end if


'PIN zusammensetzen
v_pin = v_jahr & v_monat


' Funktionsrückgabewert setzen
SetKonferenzPin = v_pin


End Function
'################  Skript-Ende   #############################


I hope that someone find this GSE-Skript for the dynamical PIN generation helpful. If somone can use it, I would be gla about a short feedback.


Konferenz PIN dynamisch fuer Forum.rse

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