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PubblicNumber User

Stefano Pranzo

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Hello Stefano,


there are multiple ways to get the internal and public numbers of the user. Lets take the easy way first:

// Create and configure new LibManager object
var libManager = new LibManager()
    BaseProtocol = SProxyObject.BaseProtocol.TCP,
    Username = "admin",
    Password = "mypass",
    WSBaseUrl = "127.0.01",
    AuthenticationMode = SProxyObject.AuthenticationMode.Trusted // Windows Authentication

// Get Admin Facade
var adminFacade = libManager.GetAdminFacade();

// Get User View Entries
UserDeviceSmallMap userDeviceSmallMap;
var userEntries = adminFacade.GetUserAdminView1(false, out userDeviceSmallMap).CreateSortableFilterCollection();

// Print user name and public numbers to console
foreach (var userEntry in userEntries)
    Console.WriteLine("User: " + userEntry.Name);
    Console.WriteLine("Internal Numbers: " + userEntry.InternalNumbers);
    Console.WriteLine("Internal Fax Numbers: " + userEntry.InternalFaxNumbers);
    Console.WriteLine("Public Numbers: " + userEntry.PublicNumbers);
    Console.WriteLine("Public Fax Numbers: " + userEntry.PublicFaxNumbers);

// Cleanup

adminFacade = null;
libManager = null;


The internal and public numbers are returned as strings with semicolon as separator (e.g. 100;101;102).
Public numbers are always assigned to one internal number (one internal number can have multiple public numbers).
When you use the easy way as described above you cannot see which numbers belong to each other.

If you need this information please let me know and I will provide another sample.

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