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Very nice! Thank you.


Is there any way to create a ticket and then connect to the next agent?


I'm currently looking into how I can use the integration practically in our company.


That's basically the idea to have the integration into the call routing for.


You can create a ticket first and then use the "Connect To" block to connect the call to your agents. 


To pass the newly created ticket id to your agents you can manipulate the caller number or caller name (adding the ticket id to it), so that the agents are getting it displayed. 


IpPbx.CallingName = IpPbx.CallingName & " (##" & g_sLatestFreshserviceTicketID & ")"


Just place this into an "Insert Script Code" block right before your "Connect To" block to connect the call.


The Zendesk Integration here on Swyx Forum comes with a button for the SwyxIt! skin which strips a ticket id like shown above from the caller name and opens the ticket in a new browser window.



3 minutes ago, Topix said:

Is it possible to open the specific ticket with a click in the swyx program or automatic??


My test period of FreshService has ended, so I can't provide you with all the needed details, but this is what you should do:


- open any ticket within FreshService

- check how the ticket id is part of the URL of the opened ticket

- adapt the "Zendesk SwyxIt! button" code to call that specific FreshService URL with the ticket id (tanken from the caller name) in the right place



16 minutes ago, Topix said:

Is it possible to change the formatting in the notes?? :D




Just add a "<br>" at the end of each line (i.e. every time when the status variable is getting modified). That should do the trick.


3 hours ago, Topix said:

Is it possible to transfer a verified call to a visualgroup? :D


Yes of course. Just use the "Connect To" block to connect the call to your visual groups user. Make sure to set the "proceed with destination call routing" check box in the properties. 


Very strange. Yesterday everything worked fine (even with the TicketID in the caller name - for the button integration).

Since today, if I set a destination number instead of “original destination” in the block, it does not generate any notes in the system. If I leave it on “original”, then it creates a note... I have already re-imported the whole script


EDIT: Yep, when let the block in his original configuration "original destination" the notes are logged in the serverlog:



When i transfer it to a specific number, these logs are not in the serverlog...

vor 3 Stunden schrieb Tom Wellige:

Please send me a privete message here in the forum including the complete server trace and the exported GSE script (via File / Export...)



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