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  • Persistent Variables - 4.13 - Modified

    Persistent Variables - 4.13 - Modified

    VBScript   1.3.0


    This property contains the date/time when the persistent varibale was modified the last time. 


    Dim Announcement
    Set Announcement  = new PersistentVariable
    Announcement.Name = "Welcome"
    If Not IsNull(Announcement.Modified) Then
       PBXScript.OutputTrace "Modified:         " & FormatDateTime(Announcement.Modified)
       PBXScript.OutputTrace "ModifiedByName:   " & Announcement.ModifiedByName
       PBXScript.OutputTrace "ModifiedByNumber: " & Announcement.ModifiedByNumber
    End If


    This propery returns a datetime value.


    This property allows read access only.


    If a variable wasn't modified before you access this property, a NULL value will be returned. This is also the case for variables which were originally set with a persistent variable version less than 1.3.0.


    You should check for NULL (as in above code snippet) to prevent problems in your code, as not every function is capable of dealing with NULL properly.



    Tom Wellige


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