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  • Persistent Variables - 4.1 - Name

    Persistent Variables - 4.1 - Name



    This property defines the name of the persitent variable. The name is used to access/identify the persistent variable.


    Depending on the used Scope (SCOPE_USER, SCOPE_GROUP or SCOPE_GLOBAL) the name is already sufficient to identify the variable.


    If the used scope is SCOPE_NAMESPACE the Namespace property must be given as well.


    The given name may contain any character. It has a maximum length of 50 characters. Longer names will be truncated.


    Dim Announcement
    Set Announcement  = new PersistentVariable
    Announcement.Name = "Welcome"


    The above example defines a persistent variable with the name Welcome in the user scope of the current script user or in the group scrope of the current script group.



    Tom Wellige


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