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  • Persistent Variables - B.2 - Usage outside call routing - Simple VBS/WSF script

    Persistent Variables - B.2 - Usage outside call routing - Simple VBS/WSF script

    VBScript   1.1.0


    This example demonstrates how to make use of Persistent Variables in a WSF (Windows Scripting Host File) file, i.e. a VBScript file.


    You will find it in the download package in the following folder

    • \examples\External\vbs


    This little script is meant to be connected with a shortcut SwyxIt! skin element. By clicking on that shortcut the .wsf file will be started.


    By starting this .wsf file the current status of the installed Night Switch will be toggled.





    <job id="Toggle_Example">      
    <script language="VBScript" src="PersistentVariables.vbs"/>
    <script language="VBScript">
    ' configure the complete db connect string
    g_sPersistentVariableConnectString = _
    	"Provider=sqloledb;" & _
    	"Data Source=WS-WELLIGE04;" & _
    	"Initial Catalog=" & PERSISTENT_VARIABLE_DATABASE & ";" & _
    	"User Id=PersistentVariables;" & _
    ' initialize persistent variable
    Dim NightSwitch
    Set NightSwitch     = new PersistentVariable
    NightSwitch.Name    = "NightSwitch"
    NightSwitch.Default = 0
    if NightSwitch.Value = 0 then
    	NightSwitch.Value = 1
    	NightSwitch.Value = 0
    end if
    Set NightSwitch = Nothing



    You can call this .wsf file directly from a command prompt:

    C:\PersistentVariables> Toggle


    You have to make sure, that the PersistenVariables.vbs file is in the same folder as the Toggle.wsf file.



    Please find a complete explanation of the usage of persistent variables outside of call routing scripts here:



    Tom Wellige


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