VBScript Lua
This GSE action add a new comment to an existing service issue.
Example call routing scripts can be found here A.2 - Example: Add Comment and here A.4 - Example: Check Status and Add Comment.
Configure action parameters
By double clicking a parameter in the list, you can edit it.
BaseURL Required
This is the ase URL of your Jira Service page, for example: https://my-service.atlassian.net
LoginUser Required
This is the email address of the Jira user you want to authenticate with. Please refer to 1 - Preparations for more details.
LoginToken Required
This is the API Token of the Jira user you want to authenticate with. Please refer to 1 - Preparations for more details.
IssueID Required
This is the id of the service issue you want to add a comment to. The format of the id is typically PROJECTKEY-XXX, e.g. SUP-42
Body Required
This is the text of the comment.
You can define, if the new comment will only be visible internally (1) or is also visible to your customer (0).
Valid values or 0 and 1. Default: 1
Configure action exits
Exit 0 (Default)
This exit will be reached when everyhting worked fine and the comment was created. It is recommmended to name this exit "ok" or "created".
Exit 1
This exit will be reached when there was any kind of problem and no comment has been created. It is recommended to name this exit "failed".
If you reach this exit you can refer to 3.4 - Trouble Shooting to figure what went wrong.
Additional return value (as global variable)
g_sLatestJiraIssueID (string)
This global variable holds ID (in PROJECTKEY-XXX format) of the issue the comment was added to. after the ok (0) exit has been reached.
By Tom Wellige